Learning how to protect your energy before casting a wicca protection spell is one of the most important skills that any witch, empath or magickal person can develop. Our personal energy truly is everything. Our energy weaves every aspect of our lives together, and is the connecting thread between our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. When our energy is strong, vibrant and clear, we not only increase health and happiness in every aspect of our lives, but our magickal abilities increase as well!
Your personal energy is the collection of all of the non-physical parts of you, which includes your emotions, thoughts, feelings, consciousness and general sense of aliveness. Although invisible to the naked eye, your personal energy is strong, as it is your vital life force.
Your personal energy field is encased in your Aura. Your Aura is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds your body and corresponds to your seven main chakras, or energy centers. When your main energy centers are balanced, strong and healthy, your Aura radiates with love and vitality. When your energy and Aura are cleansed and strong, you feel fully alive and connected to the magick of the Universe.
Your personal energy is super important in magick, because it is what creates an alchemical reaction in all spells, rituals and magickal practices. When your energy is focused and clear, your magickal abilities strengthen in every way possible. When your energy feels refreshed, you radiate an inner aliveness, your stress levels decrease, and your mental health improves. When your mental health improves, you feel brighter, happier and more peaceful. When you are peaceful and centered in your spirit, your ability to focus your intention in spellwork becomes so much more powerful! This is why learning to protect your energy is an indispensable skill for any witch to acquire.
Energy protection is especially important for witches and other empaths to practice, because we “magickal” people are inherently highly sensitive, so be sure to give yourself the care you deserve, sweet soul!
I believe most, if not all, people who identify as witches are highly empathic and sensitive to energy, and I highly recommend using some simple wicca protection spells into your practice. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but most human beings aren’t too interested in developing intuition, reading tarot cards, or doing spells under a supportive phase of the moon. The very fact that you are reading this page means that you are drawn to the mystical, which means you have a heightened sensitivity to energy.
It’s this very sensitivity that makes you a magickal being. Your sensitivity allows you to more easily tune into your intuition, and to simply “know” things about other people. Sometimes you can even sense or foretell future events. Your sensitivity allows you to energetically sculpt and co-create your life with the Universe, as you perform spells and rituals with your focused intention. Your sensitivity connects you deeply to the web of energy that the entire Universe is made of. Your heightened sensitivity is truly a gift.
Are you highly sensitive to energy? Crystal balls can help channel protective energy in your protection spells.
This special gift lives inside every person who is attracted to magick and all things “witchy”. Like I said above, the mere fact that you are interested in these subjects is a sign that you have intuitive abilities within you, and that you are a highly sensitive soul. When the spark of interest is inside of you, it means that the ability is there, and can be developed with practice.
As much of a gift as heightened sensitivity is to us magickal folk, it can sometimes feel like a curse. We are so sensitive to energy, that we end up soaking all the energy up around us, like a sponge! Our energy field can be so porous that other people’s energy often seeps into our own, whether we want it to or not!
Do you notice that sometimes you can be in a great mood, but if you interact with someone who is exuding a negative “vibe”, you feel quite drained or weighed down afterward? Do you find yourself very sensitive to dramatic, sad or violent images in films that you watch? Do the images or people you give your attention to tend to really affect your mood or energy level? If so, you are most definitely an empath, and your great magickal gift for “sensing energy”, also requires great responsibility to protect.
When you learn how to protect and strengthen your energy with wiccan protection spells, you are able to stand in your full power and shine your full light. When you protect your energy, you no longer allow your vital life force to become scattered or drained. You stand fully in your power and your light shines brightly. And you were born to shine your healing, beautiful and radiant light! Your light uplifts the world in ways you can’t even imagine!
Before you can properly protect your energy, you must first cleanse and clear it of any negative or unwanted residue. Energetic protection essentially works by building a wall of energy around an object, a space, or you. You don’t want to build a wall around your energy if it is feeling depleted, weak or murky. First, you want to cleanse and revitalize your energy field, then you want to erect a protective shield to protect and keep in that wonderful energy. There are many simple and magickal ways to cleanse and revitalize your energy, including wicca protection spells.
Before we dive into the many magical ways you can protect your energy, I want to first take you through the main ingredients you will need. In almost all protection rituals and spells, you will need two main “ingredients”.
The first ingredient is the most important, and oftentimes, the only ingredient you need in a protection ritual, and that ingredient is your own energy. Yes, magick is really that simple! Your own energy, combined with your focused intent, is what imbues an item or ritual with a magickal charge, creating an energetic transformation from the mundane to the enchanted in every spell or ritual!
When you use your own energy, you use the power of your emotion and feeling in a focused, intentional way. Your focused, feeling based energy works to shift the energy of any mundane object or situation into one imbued with the power of your intent.
When you visualize protective energy surrounding yourself or an item, you are not merely “making something up” in your own mind. Your visualization actually summons the dormant forces of energy that exist all around us to awaken and act on your behalf. It is by your visualization that you access and tap into the powerful, Universal energy of magick, imbuing it directly into your spell. This is why your energy is so important to cleanse and protect, because it is your focused energy that creates a magickal, alchemical transformation in every spell or ritual.
You can feel the protective energy when fully focused on your protection spell.
The second “ingredient” is the use of an item that already carries within it the energy of protection for use in wiccan spells. There are many items and symbols that you can use to magickally enhance a spell or ritual for protection. For instance, you can use any number or variation of protection items in a ritual or spell to enhance the energy of protection. There are so many protective herbs, crystals, items made of protective wood, or items with protective symbols on them, that you can use in your magickal workings.
Here is a list of magickal protection correspondences that you can refer to any time you do a spell or ritual for protection. Incorporate any number of the following items to amp up the energy of protection in all of your magickal workings.
Herbs for Protection: Amaranth, Angelica, Basil, Bay Leaves, Black Pepper, Clove, Chamomile, Dill, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Ginger, Lavender, Myrrh, Rosemary, Star Anise, Sunflower, Vervain, Wormwood, Yarrow
Crystals and Stones for Protection: Amber, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Coral, Jet, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Obsidian, Pyrite, Selenite
Symbols for Protection: Gates, Walls, Fences, Dragons, Shields, Circles, Eyes, Iron Nails, Arrows
Types of Wood for Protection: Aspen, Birch, Cedar, Oak, Pine, Willow
Colors for Protection: Black, White
Protective herbs can cultivate more protective energy during your spells.
Now that you have cleansed your energy, and understand the ingredients needed to work your magick, you are ready to protect it! There are many magickal and wonderful ways to protect your energy.
Use cleansing and protection practices to protect not only your personal energy, but the energy of your home, or any space you desire to protect. To protect your home, or any other space you desire, simply cleanse your space with any of the cleansing rituals mentioned earlier, and then perform any of the following rituals for protection.
In addition to working with magick to craft protection wards and shields, it is very important to embrace all practical forms of protection, as well. Magickal protection enhances the energy of protection around you, and increases your intuitive abilities to read warning signs of potential danger, but it is not a substitute for common sense safety precautions.
Cultivate “self love” to increase the energy in your wicca protection spells.
If you are wearing a protection amulet, for instance, do not assume it will keep you safe in any dangerous situation, and do not use it as an excuse to put yourself in harm’s way or ignore warning signs. Rather, use it to increase your energy of self protection and love, so that you are far less likely to be drawn into a situation that would not be safe or for your highest good.
Here are a few practical ways to keep yourself healthy and safe, both energetically and physically.
Charge protective energy for spells with a self care Magickal Bath.
Your sensitivity to energy is what makes you so very powerful. Your ability to tap into the subtle energies all around you, and to use energy to direct your magick, is truly a remarkable gift. By learning to cleanse and protect your precious energy, you learn to harness your magick and come into your full power. Your magickal energy lights up the world, dearest witch, and that is why it is oh-so important that you protect it!
I hope you have enjoyed learning all about Protection Witchery, and all of the ways you can uplift, rejuvenate, cleanse and protect your truly magickal energy!
Until we meet again, I’m sending you all of my love, and so many blessings!
Sirena Moon
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