Everyone needs a little Magick in their life.

Magickal Posts

Beginner Witchcraft Witchy Spells For The New Year
  • Sirena Moon

Beginner Witchcraft Spells And Rituals For The New Year"

The New Year is buzzing with Magick, as this really is the year to dream your biggest Magickal Dreams yet with these beginner witchcraft spells and rituals for the new year! If you are ready to make this the best year of your life with these simple witchy spells and rituals, get ready to dig […]

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Add energy to your Love Spells
  • Sirena Moon

How To Supercharge Your Love Spells For Romance"

Love spells, and “love” in general seems to be on everyone’s mind at this time of year. The holiday season is here, and everyone is gathering or connecting with those they love to celebrate. The weather outside is cold, but everything looks and feels so much more romantic somehow. Maybe it’s all the trees wrapped […]

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Protective herbs can cultivate more protective energy during your spells.
  • Sirena Moon

Wicca Protection Spell Prep – How To Activate Practical Magick Energy Protection Into Your Spells"

Learning how to protect your energy before casting a wicca protection spell is one of the most important skills that any witch, empath or magickal person can develop. Our personal energy truly is everything. Our energy weaves every aspect of our lives together, and is the connecting thread between our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual […]

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Magick Ability Test

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