Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog Everyone needs a little Magick in their life. Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:20:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog 32 32 196181389 5 Pagan Goddesses To Work With: For Witches And Mystics Mon, 06 Jun 2022 16:26:05 +0000 Goddess energy is widely thought of as receptive, intuitive, and attractive energy within yourself and the larger universe. Historically, Goddesses are depicted as multidimensional, skillful, wise, generous, and protective. Often referred to as the Divine Feminine, Goddess energy is deeply personal, dynamic, and impossible to define. Regardless of your gender identity or your personal understanding […]

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Goddess energy is widely thought of as receptive, intuitive, and attractive energy within yourself and the larger universe. Historically, Goddesses are depicted as multidimensional, skillful, wise, generous, and protective. Often referred to as the Divine Feminine, Goddess energy is deeply personal, dynamic, and impossible to define. Regardless of your gender identity or your personal understanding of feminine energy, you can look to the depictions of Goddesses throughout time and connect with them through your spiritual practice to become a more powerful witch.

Working closely with a particular Goddess, or contemplating Goddess energy in general, can help you become more aware of their purpose and their contributions to the world around you. Working with this energy can also allow you to embody the traits of the Goddess and exhibit their qualities and talents yourself. When reflecting upon the Goddesses you would like to connect with, consider what aspects of yourself you would like to grow, and study deities who embody these traits.

Image of a pagan goddess

How will you connect with the Pagan Goddess that lives within you?

How to Discover the Goddess For You 

As Goddess energy is universal, shapeshifting, and multifaceted, many of the same Goddesses appear across cultures, taking on different names throughout time. You may resonate with one particular depiction of a Goddess as she was known in a specific time or place. You may research the transformation of a certain Goddess over centuries and honor all of them as the same entity. Many witches honor a more general, all-encompassing Goddess as one comprehensive aspect of the Divine. 

As there are infinite interpretations of Divine femininity, there are endless Goddesses and emanations to learn about. Working with Goddess energy can help you awaken the Goddess within! It is highly important that you reflect on your inner divinity and develop a relationship to your higher self to develop awareness of the type of energy you would like to cultivate. It can also be very helpful to reflect on your own ideas of gender identity and energy. These journal prompts can aid you in connecting with your needs when it comes to working with Goddess energy:

–> What beliefs do I hold when it comes to the terms “masculine” and “feminine”? Are these beliefs limiting or inspiring?

–> Which traits in myself do I want to strengthen or transmute? Do I view these traits as masculine or feminine, and why?

–> Do I associate my feminine traits as positive or helpful? Why or why not?

–> How have women, and mothers in particular, inspired me?

–> Which aspects of my gender identity have I had difficulty accepting or expressing? Which Goddess exhibits these traits in a way I understand or admire?

–> Which aspects of myself do I consider “Divine”? 

–> What skills, talents, or spiritual gifts do I want to honor in my practice?

How Do I Choose My Goddess?

Many beginner witches ask, “How do I pick my Goddess or Matron/Mother Deity?” Many experienced witches say you do not choose your Goddess, rather you get chosen by her. If you keep an eye open to the signs and synchronicities around you, reflect on the recurring themes in this stage of your Divine path, and meditate to allow spiritual messages in, a Goddess will likely make herself known to you. If a specific symbol, animal, or name has appeared to you repeatedly, this may be a deity trying to come through. Search for deities associated with these motifs, and you are likely to find a Goddess who has shown you more than one sign! It’s important to note that you are not required to work with any deities as a witch, but if you choose to open your heart to Divine energy, it can be extremely beneficial to your practice!

Have you been seeing signs and synchronicities, suspecting that they may be from a Goddess of the Witches? Are you ready to begin your research into the Dark Goddesses available to support your craft? Here are 5 Pagan Goddesses who are loved amongst witches…

One of the most worshiped and accessible ancient Greek Goddesses is Hecate, who is heralded as “Queen of the Witches.” She is thought to have originated in Egypt as the Goddess Heqet, a popular Goddess who rules magick and fertility. As she is a powerful sorceress, she helps all witches who contact her manifest their dreams, become confident in their spellwork, and be supportive of one another with their magickal talents. She is a Goddess who encourages you to take matters into your own hands and use your tools to affect change in your community and protect yourself. If you are interested in sorcery, spell work, esoteric studies, and helping others with your magick, Hecate is the perfect Goddess to begin your journey with! Like her mother Nyx, Hecate is associated with the Triple Goddess Symbol. However, she is often associated with the Maiden phase of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

If the following signs appear to you, Hecate may be initiating you into her craft:

–> Ravens

–> Black dogs

–> Black Cats

–> The Moon

–> Torches

–> Bonfires

–> Matches

–> The Triple Goddess Symbol

In this video, our magickal guide Rebecca Phoenix will show you how to dedicate an altar to the Goddess Hecate, should you choose to work with her! 


Mother of Hecate and primordial Greek Goddess of the Night, Nyx is another beloved Goddess who is protective and encouraging. As she is believed to have mothered over 1,000 deities and taken several lovers.. A maternal role is one you can expect when you accept her nurturing and fiercely protective energy into your life. As she created affection, magick, sleep, death, and much more, her powers are expansive. However, she is most recognized for her psychic abilities and can help her followers grow in their divination practices. 

Nyx was so protective of her gifts that she stayed in a shielded cave in Tartarus, the depths of the underworld. Only those dedicated enough to embark on a treacherous journey to her cavern could receive her wisdom. This speaks to her nature as a matron deity– if you don’t heed her advice with care, you may be subject to psychic chaos! She is a tough matron, but can help you increase your confidence, beauty, sensuality, psychic abilities. She will also encourage your protection spells, such as banishing, revenge, and psychic shielding rituals. Represented by the Triple Goddess, Nyx embodies all phases of womanhood but is most often depicted in her role as the mother.

The following correspondences may be a sign that Nyx is offering her Divine wisdom to you:

–> Owls

–> Bats

–> Horses

–> Bulls

–> Chariots

–> Stars

–> Horned and winged creatures

–> The Moon

–> The Wheel of Hecate Symbol

–> Labyrinths

–> The Triple Goddess Symbol

A depiction of Nyx pulling the night across the sky in her chariot of black horses from a vase ca. 500 B.C., courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum.

A depiction of Nyx pulling the night across the sky in her chariot of black horses from a vase ca. 500 B.C., courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum.

Aset (Isis)

The Egyptian Aset, more commonly known by the Greek translation of Isis, is another popular Goddess who is largely known for her healing and resurrection abilities taken from the Sun God Ra. When her jealous brother Seth murdered and dismembered her lover King Osiris, out of her true love and mourning, Aset transformed into a bird and found the scattered pieces of her husband in order to revive him. Being empowered by the Sun, Aset and Osiris conceived their son Horus, who is depicted as having the head of a falcon. Because of his father’s undead state and subsequent reign of the underworld, Horus was said to have both Aset’s Solar Energy paired with Osiris’ powers of darkness.

Her miracle child, devotion to her husband, and close relationship with her supportive sister Nebet-Het all speak to Aset’s prioritization of family and her determination to keep her family unit together. She is a wonderful Goddess to work with if you are interested in heart healing, growing in confidence and determination, working with spirits of passed loved ones, manifesting a devoted partner, healing family issues, or reviving a past situation via magick.

If you encounter these signs and synchronicities, Aset may be initiating you under her wing:

–> Eagles

–> Cows

–> The Sun

–> Mummies

–> Thrones

–> The Tyet Symbol, also known as the Knot of Isis

–> The Ankh

–> The Eye of Horus

–> Horns

Queen Nefertiti being lead by Isis by Charles K. Wilkinson, -1213, courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum.

Queen Nefertiti being lead by Isis by Charles K. Wilkinson, -1213, courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum.

Baba Yaga

If you’re interested in working with Crone energy, the Slavic ogress Baba Yaga is a Goddess of Death who offers the unhinged power of a woman who rejects feminine beauty standards and gender roles with reckless abandon. Not only does she allegedly kidnap, cook, and eat children with her two identically named sisters in their forest hut decorated in human skulls, she flies around in a mortar and pestle, smoking a pipe and guarding the waters of life as a companion of Death to feed on fresh souls. In some descriptions, she is said to have knives for teeth and eyes that can turn you to stone. Despite her naturally haggard appearance, she uses a beauty elixir, but only in order to trick or misguide others. 

Needless to say, Baba Yaga is fearless, unforgiving, and disorderly in her approach. Those who are pure of heart can earn her good graces and receive magickal gifts and wise advice from her. Many who study Baba Yaga awaken to the cyclical nature of life, seeing that creation and destruction go hand in hand. If you practice chaos magick, are reworking your relationship to feminine standards, or would like to embody the shameless energy of the Crone, you may consider opening yourself to her limitless power. Baba Yaga can help you shake up your creative process, experience ego death, unlearn limiting beliefs, release shame, and surrender to your most primal desires.

These signs and synchronicities may be a sign that Baba Yaga is entering your practice:

–> Howling Winds

–> Tea Kettles

–> Black Tea

–> Russian Foods and Desserts

–> Hunting Birds

–> Skulls

–> Cauldrons

–> The Sun

–> Hansel and Gretel tropes

–> Chickens and chicken legs

Baba Yaga Hut

Crafting a horrible little hut for Baba Yaga on your altar is a wonderful way to honor her in your practice– if you can handle it!


Brighid, the Celtic ruler of Hearth and Home, is another popular Pagan Goddess. Associated with the element of fire and the spring season, this adored matron deity is yet another emanation of the Triple Goddess, though she is most often depicted as the Maiden. As the Maiden, she is always expanding her knowledge of earthly matters and talents. She is known for being a charming poetess and a gifted creator of any domestic craft. She is skilled at cooking, playing instruments, and performing all forms of divination.

If you are looking to become an expert on any creative subject, Brighid can boost your domestic talents and passion for the material. If you are a witch in a creative rut, she can provide you with inspiration, skill, and motivation! Brighid is the perfect Goddess for those who want to manifest or improve their home, become an impressive host, fortify their physical health and nourishment, beautify themselves or their surroundings, have children, or grow their abundance!

These signs and symbols may be a sign from the Fire Mother Brighid:

–> Serpents

–> Rabbits

–> Fireplaces

–> Wheat

–> Spring Flowers

–> Flower Crowns

–> Basil

–> Instruments

–> Baby animals

–> Eggs

Weaving a Brighid’s cross is a lovely way to connect to the Goddess while crafting a protection and prosperity symbol that can be placed above your doorways or at your altar.

Weaving a Brighid’s cross is a lovely way to connect to the Goddess while crafting a protection and prosperity symbol that can be placed above your doorways or at your altar.

How To ‘Work’ With Your Goddess

So, you’ve recognized the presence of a Goddess in your life. Now what? Well, just like any friend in the earthly realm, you need to work to bond with your Goddess. There are endless ways to do this, and each witch’s relationship to a Goddess will be personal and unique. Here are some of the most common ways to bond with a deity in order to gain their wisdom and keep their presence a powerful and benevolent force in your practice.

1. Give her an offering.

2.Depending on the Goddess, the nature of this offering will vary. Many common offerings to Goddesses are food, baked goods, tea, fruit, fresh flowers, homemade art, figurines, jewelry, poetry, shells, stones, or water. Make sure to research your Goddess to find out what they like, and take note of their presence following the offering to learn what works and what doesn’t!

3. Build your Goddess an altar.

If you work regularly with a Goddess and want to honor her in a more permanent way, you may choose to create her an altar space. Consecrating a sacred space just for her offerings and rituals is a wonderful way to prove your dedication to maintaining a relationship. Altar items may include a photo or figurine of your Goddess, her favorite flowers, animals, and colors, offerings, and specific tools you use when working with her. Be sure to keep this space tidy and refresh offerings frequently to make it a welcoming space for her.


5. Connect to her through Divination.

Goddesses are enigmatic and serve a unique purpose in every witch’s life. To receive personal messages from your Goddesses use divinatory tools. Some examples are tarot and oracle, pendulums, tea leaves, meditations, or any other form of divination you prefer. Divination can reveal visions from your Goddess and give you psychic insight directly from her! 

In this video, Rebecca Phoenix will share with you the best divination tool for communicating with any Pagan Goddess or just the general archetypal energy of the Goddess. She also demonstrates a divination ritual for you to connect with your deity!

4. Speak to your Goddess often.

The easiest way to keep an open line of communication with your Goddess is to speak to her out loud and let her into your heart. Tell her directly what you are thinking and feeling and trust that she can hear you. If you are struggling to hear her response or are unsure of her presence, ask her to show you a sign, such as an animal she is associated with.

5. Research and read about your Goddess.

As much as you communicate your desires and feelings to her, it is important that you show the same interest and commitment to her by learning her story, her varying emenations, her roles in society throughout history, and her correspondences. This will ensure that she can make herself known to you in endless ways, and that you are honoring her in the correct ways.

Closing the Circle

Be patient and open minded when seeking a Goddess to work with in your practice. Remember that it’s completely normal for Goddesses to come and go throughout your life. There may be times when you strongly feel her presence, and times when she seems quiet, or even absent. It’s very common for a connection with Deity to ebb and flow, as it helps to lead you to your next destination. Do not panic if a Goddess does not seem present in your life – she will probably return at some point, and the timing will be perfect when she does. These absences can also be an opportunity to connect with another Goddess for this season of your life.

I’m sending you so much encouragement and positive energy as you tap into Goddess magick. May it supercharge your practice and bring you the wisdom and support you seek to enhance your journey!

With Love,
Galena Stormrider

The post 5 Pagan Goddesses To Work With: For Witches And Mystics appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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Tarot Spells: Free Love Spell With The Lovers Tarot Card Wed, 04 May 2022 16:34:46 +0000 The Meaning Of The Lovers Tarot Card & How To Use It In This Free Love Spell The Lovers tarot card, which is the harmonious number 6 in the tarot’s major arcana, often depicts two lovers on either side of a fork in the road. Watching above their diverging paths is Archangel Raphael, a symbol […]

The post Tarot Spells: Free Love Spell With The Lovers Tarot Card appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

The Meaning Of The Lovers Tarot Card & How To Use It In This Free Love Spell

The Lovers tarot card, which is the harmonious number 6 in the tarot’s major arcana, often depicts two lovers on either side of a fork in the road. Watching above their diverging paths is Archangel Raphael, a symbol of divine love and emotional healing. At this point of the Fool’s Journey, the recipient of the tarot reading is faced with a choice– to love someone, or to focus their efforts in another direction. While most often interpreted as a sign of romantic love, the lovers on the card are sometimes portrayed as Adam and Eve. This card often represents relationship choices that are highly consequential, and encourages us to consider our endeavors with deep care! This card asks you to consider if the relationships are truly serving their greatest purpose.

In the upright position for a single person, the Lovers card may be inviting you to consider the prospect of love as a possibility for you, and honestly assess what you could gain or lose by stepping into romance. This card is often a sign that personal growth and healing can be achieved through fostering a more intimate connection with another, whether it is a friend or a romantic interest. This is a sign to say “yes” to deepening your connections, and refusing to open your heart could lead you down a less desirable path!

This could also be a sign that you have two options, both of which seem favorable. This is a sign to consider our long-term fulfillment while heading our intuitive feelings. Failing to trust your intuition at this time can lead to unforeseen obstacles down the road, even if you are unsure of why in the present moment.

The Lovers card is also associated with the mutable sign of Gemini, which is known for being flirty, chatty, optimistic, wavering, and indecisive. You are being asked to commit to one path at this time, and communicate clearly with your spirit guides and those you love about your actions and intentions. This is not the best time to avoid or put off important issues, especially if they are important to your partner. If you have the options of two lovers, you are being asked to pick one without cloudiness or deceit.

Image of The Lovers Tarot Card

The most common depiction of the Lovers tarot card. The Lovers are often depicted as Adam and Eve, and are guided by Archangel Raphael.

In the reversed position, the Lovers card may be a sign that your love life will be redirected in order to stay on a path more aligned with your greater purpose or different blessings you are meant to receive. It could also be a sign that you have chosen a romantic situation that looks ideal on paper, but could distract you from your goals or end up having negative consequences in your life. Additionally, we may be asked to walk away from someone less ideal to make room for more positive or fulfilling partnerships. This may also be a sign that while a choice is apparent to you, you could be more successful on your own than in a partnership. This can also apply to business partnerships or even roommate proposals, though these types of business partners usually work rather closely.

Either way, when we are seeking relationship advice from the tarot, the Lovers is a sign to pay close attention to how your personal connections are affecting you in both the short and long-term. It also reminds us that our relationships should be symbiotic and inspire gratitude for the universal beauty in one another. Ask yourself if your close friends and partner(s) are supportive of your goals– not only by their ideals, but by their actions!

This card also speaks of self-love. When we have unity and harmony within the self, we can create healthier relationship dynamics and feel confident in these “either or” choices. A healthy relationship with the self ensures that you will make the best decision in this situation, regardless of this card’s position. This card often predicts that through being intentional about your heart healing and practicing self-compassion, you have developed a stronger relationship to your higher self and have grown in self-awareness.

Without self-awareness, we may feel uncomfortable taking a chance on love. However, knowing oneself deeply and loving oneself makes it possible to be interdependent with others while still having confidence in our ability to meet our own needs should the Wheel of Fortune turn out of our favor in love. Though trust takes vulnerability, self-assurance and inner peace make the risk of love a calculated and informed one. If you’re considering opening your heart to another, ask yourself what you will need to take this risk with full faith– not in your partner, but in yourself, your spiritual practice, and the inner wealth of magick you have to overcome any sticky situation.

If you have recently pulled the Lovers card in any position, here are several affirmations you may find useful during this time:

  • I give love unconditionally and indiscriminately.
  • I am opening my eyes to the love that surrounds me.
  • I am receptive to the kindness of others.
  • I am deserving of help, affection, and support.
  • I am constantly blessed with opportunities to see the good in others.
  • My intuition should be honored in all my decisions. Although the reason may be obscured to my conscious awareness, it will be revealed at the perfect time.
  • Loving my flaws allows me to have deeper empathy for others.
  • By the grace of the universe, we are all given opportunities to express love. I will take one today.
  • I am responsible for my happiness and achievements.
  • True bondedness is the anecdote to neediness.
  • I surrender to the flow of partnership, which wanes and waxes.
  • I am receptive to the discernment of the cosmos and the Divine.
  • Every experience is an opportunity to deepen my relationship with myself and my guides.
  • With intention, prayer, magick, and divine support, I have nothing to fear.
  • The love meant for me will always find me.
  • Healing myself heals others.
  • We are all connected.

How To Work With The Lovers To Draw Your Soul Mate

Whenever you receive the Lovers card, you are being called to explore what it is you want in a relationship. What are the qualities that you truly want in a partner? What qualities do you want to exhibit yourself? How do these things coincide or conflict? 

Though simply put, these questions are rarely easy to answer! Luckily, these magickal activity tutorials can help you increase your self-awareness and self-love, magnetize romance toward you, and help you receive clarity about your past, present, or future circumstances.

  • Take a spiritual bath inspired by the Lovers:

Spiritual baths cleanse your energetic field of any blockages, and when supercharged by this free love spell ingredients, create a potent and luxurious self-care experience that magnetizes you toward your desire. In this video, I discuss the concept of spiritual bathing and demonstrate drawing a bath that will encourage heart healing so you may find a new lover!

  • Create a love altar to attract a new love! 

Did you know that altars can be dedicated to a specific magickal purpose, amplifying the intent behind your spellwork? In this video, your magickal guide Sirena Moon explores the use of altars dedicated to a specific purpose, and demonstrates the set up and maintenance of an altar dedicated to attracting a new love!

  • Perform your own love reading with your favorite tarot deck! This Lovers Relationship Divination Spread I’ve designed will offer you insight into the qualities Spirit sees in your next or current romantic partnership.
tarot love spell spread

Tarot Card Spread Used For A Tarot Love Spell

1. The Overall Vibe of Your Partnership: How might it feel when the two of you are together?

2. Their Characteristics: How might they act, behave, and carry themselves as an individual?

3. Their Feelings: How do they feel toward you?

4. Your Healing as a Partner: How could the relationship help you grow?

5. Their Healing As a Partner: How could the relationship help them grow?

6. Your Achievements as a Union: What can you accomplish as a team?

7. The Timeline: When might you meet this person, or if you already know them, when could your relationship advance?

8. Advice: What should you do to encourage a happy and healthy love life for yourself?

Pro Tip: Remain open minded, and know that these possibilities are always subject to the free will of you and your potential love interest! Additionally, keep in mind that the Divine will always want you to explore a possibility for a reason, even if it seems unlikely to you.

  • Create a list or vision board to reflect on aspects of the relationships you enjoy and/or desire.
  • Give a gift to a friend (no holiday required).
  • Write 5 reasons you are grateful for another in your life.
  • Reflect on a time you made a difficult decision.
  • Refine elements of your self-care routine that you would like to implement or enhance.
  • Reflect on how you can be a better friend or partner.
  • Stick to one of your personal commitments (this increases self-love and self-respect).
  • Reflect on a time when you successfully implemented a boundary with another person.
  • Cast a love spell using the power of the lovers.

Casting A ‘Tarot Spell’ For Love (Your Free Love Spell)

Because the Lovers asks us to think critically about what we need in our relationships, this tarot card can promote healing and romance when used in magick. You may choose to meditate on this card before performing a free love spell, include it as an ingredient in a love bottle or pouch, or carry it in your pocket or purse to encourage Divinely guided encounters and decisions. 

Because the card represents crossroads in which love is a key element of an important choice, you may sleep with the Lovers under your pillow to encourage visions that will inform you on these decisions and show you ways to increase love in all areas of your life. You may also call upon Archangel Raphael to assist you in your heart healing, using the Lovers as a petition paper, and writing a prayer to him on the back of it.

To protect your relationship, you may anoint the card in a protective sigil using a shielding oil such as frankincense, patchouli or cedarwood. You may encourage receptivity to love in yourself and others by doing the same with a prosperity sigil using an oil such as jasmine, lavender, or neroli.

Image of the lovers spell setup

Pro tip: use dried herbs in your spells in order to grind them in your mortar and pestle and to prevent molding!

When considering your spell ingredients, here are some of my favorite herbs and oils!

  • Dried apple shavings or seeds for fertility and health in relationships
  • Cassia for self-assurance, intelligence, and self-respect
  • Cinnamon for sensuality, passion, and excitement
  • Chamomile for friendliness, pure intentions, and peace
  • Chili flakes for sexuality, motivation, and intensity
  • Lilies for beauty, softness, and receptivity
  • Orange for renewal after a tough or stagnant period in love
  • Rosebuds for new romance
  • Dried rose petals for unconditional love
  • Hinoki for collaboration, balance, and coordination
  • Lavender for psychic communication and relaxation

Here are some of my favorite stones for love!

  • Diamonds for love that withstands all weather
  • Moonstone for intuitive and emotional romantic connection
  • Ruby for passion, admiration, and family
  • Angelite for forgiveness and empathy
  • Celestite for angelic guidance and protection
  • Opalite for even temperedness and calm communication
  • Aquamarine for inner strength and bravery
  • Rose Quartz for beauty and self-love
  • Red Jasper for self-confidence and attraction

Overall, the Lovers tarot card always brings us the invitation to dive deeper into our understanding of ourselves and the spiritual purpose of partnerships. Remember that connections are meant to flow and evolve over time, just as any other cycle of life. Whether you are single, in love, growing in your self-love, or ending a connection, think carefully about how you give and receive love, and reflect on the impact those habits have on your wellbeing. When you see this card, your eyes and heart will be opened to the universal love that surrounds you in all its infinite forms!

I’m sending you compassion, empathy, and heart healing for the highest good of all. Don’t miss an opportunity to love today, even if it’s through one small act of kindness!  I hope you enjoyed your Free Love Spell with a “Tarot Twist”! 🙂

With Love and Gratitude,

Galena Stormrider

The post Tarot Spells: Free Love Spell With The Lovers Tarot Card appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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Beginner’s Guide To Green Witchery Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:08:22 +0000 What Is A Green Witch? You are a Green Witch and can work wonders with Green Witchery if… You love herbalism, stones, feathers, crystals, dirt, and all things natural… You have a strong connection to Mother Earth and the natural world around you… You feel aligned with the natural rhythms and cycles of the Earth… […]

The post Beginner’s Guide To Green Witchery appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

What Is A Green Witch?

You are a Green Witch and can work wonders with Green Witchery if…

  • You love herbalism, stones, feathers, crystals, dirt, and all things natural…
  • You have a strong connection to Mother Earth and the natural world around you…
  • You feel aligned with the natural rhythms and cycles of the Earth…
  • You understand and feel the life-death-rebirth cycles of nature and the Earth…
  • You have a strong desire to help heal and support the environment and the animals of this planet…
  • You feel the call for sustainable practices within your witchcraft…
  • You feel at peace and at home in nature…
  • You long to live in the middle of the forest, surrounded by nature and animals…
  • You work with plant spirits and animal guides, and with the land you live on…
  • You love Faeries…
  • You feel the call to honor all living things, be it plant, mineral, or animal…

If you answered yes to all or most of these, then you, my witchy friend, are a Green Witch!

Picture of a green witch

Think of a Green Witch like a Nature Witch. A Green Witch loves Mother Nature and the Earth, and practices magick in ways that align with the cycles of nature and uses natural magickal ingredients!

Green Witchery is a feeling of kinship with the Earth, Mother Nature and all of her living creatures. Being a Green Witch is basically being a Nature Witch. Nature is the Green Witch’s sanctuary, their temple, the place where their soul feels alive. All things that are nature based make up the magickal tools of a Green Witch… plants, herbs, rocks, dirt, bones, stones.

Green Witchery also makes use of elemental magick. Elemental magick uses the 5 natural elements – Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Spirit (Ether), and incorporates them into spellwork.

Each of these elements corresponds with the 4 directions of North, South, East and West. Spirit corresponds to cosmos or divinity (whatever you refer to as the heavens or higher realms). Faerie energy can also be a part of Green Witchery, since the Fae are found in nature… protecting the land, and frolocking amongst the trees and animals.

Folk magick is also a common form of practice used by Green Witches, since most folk magick is practical everyday magick, that is connected to the natural rhythms of Earth.

Are You A Green Witch In The City?

There are many Green Witches living in the city, though most of them long to move to the forest! If a nature-move isn’t in the cards for you yet, there are ways of connecting to nature in your city environment! Below is a list of ideas for connecting to your inner Nature Witch, even if you are in the middle of the city.

  • Create a small porch garden. Be creative and create small gardens on a porch with chicken wire, wood pallets, and potted plants. You find loads of ideas on Google! Just search ‘urban gardens’, or ‘porch gardens’ for amazing inspiration!
  • Fill your space with indoor plants and a little herbal garden. The more green, living things around you the better! Ivy plants are especially amazing for magickal indoor growing, since they are powerfully protective and they also grow so long they can wrap around a room, filling your space with beautiful green leaves!
  • Find your local nature spots. Visit the pockets of nature that may be in or near your city at least once a month, to reconnect to Mother Earth. Go for a hike, or sit on the grass by a tree in a local park, or go for a swim in a river or ocean.
  • Buy yourself flowers. Fill your space with nature, color, and things that are alive!
  • Download an app that plays nature sounds. Listen to nature sounds whenever you need to connect to nature, but can’t physically be there. Simply close your eyes and be transported away…
  • Live in rhythm with the natural cycles of your environment. Eat foods that are in season. Rest in winter, rejuvenate and give birth to creative ideas in the spring, play in the summer, and harvest in the fall!
  • Use as many natural products that you can in your home. Also eat as naturally as possible.
  • Practice sustainability in your daily life.
  • Volunteer at a local farm or urban garden.
  • Set up an altar to Gaia, the Mother Earth Goddess.
  • Connect with Fae energy.
  • Channel your inner Faerie by decorating with Faerie statues, fairy lights, or cute toadstools.
  • Wear a pair of sparkly wings, and dance with delight!
  • Create Elemental Magick Spell Jars.
  • Honor the 5 elements in your space and create some elemental magick to surround your home! (Scroll down to find the video tutorial)

A Green Witch’s Spiritual Beliefs

Green Witches are all about living in alignment with the Earth, supporting the environment and protecting natural resources.

Green Witchery follows the natural rhythms and cycles of nature and honors the life-death-rebirth cycles of the Earth. Being in alignment with and surrendering to these cycles is a way to honor our own natural rhythms as well as Gaia’s natural rhythms.

Green Witchery advocates for the environment and for protecting Mother Earth, her resources and all living things. Green Witches often choose to use magickal tools and ingredients in their spellcasting that support the Earth, and are sustainable, reusable and non-toxic.

Some Green Witches choose to abstain from using white sage or palo santo since it is believed they’re being over-harvested, hurting the delicate balance of local ecosystems. They may also research the mining practices of where their stones and crystals come from, to make sure minimal harm and impact is being done to the Earth.

A Green Witch would most likely opt for magickal ingredients that are biodegradable and non-toxic… like biodegradable glitter, non-toxic paints, and soy or beeswax candles. They may choose to upcycle old food jars for their spells, to lessen the landfill burden on the Earth. A Green Witch may perform environmental advocacy work in their community.

Green Witches also understand the importance of connecting with the land they live on; building a relationship between themselves, the land spirits, plant spirits and animal guides of their direct environment. They may also use the elements of the land on which they reside, incorporating what is naturally around them, into their magick. For example, they may forage for herbs, plants and flowers in their own backyard or in their surrounding area.

Green Witch Connection With Nature

Connecting to the landscape on which you reside, and with the nature that is around you, is a great way to get in touch with your inner Green Witch.

Green Witches usually believe in using natural remedies and herbalism to heal their body, whenever possible. Herbalism is a strong calling for a lot of Green Witches!

Green Witches honor all life as sacred, and as such they believe in asking permission of a plant, herb, flower, animal, or any living being, before working with them magickally, or even in their everyday lives. Communing with the spirits of living things, honoring them and their life-force, is a wonderful way to practice being a Nature Witch!

Magickal Tools For Practicing Green Witchery

Below is a list of ideas of magickal tools that you as a Green Witch might want to add to your witchy repertoire! Of course this list is filled with an array of natural suggestions, for your inspiration. Please add to it, take away from it, or come up with ideas for incorporating your local landscape into your collection of magickal tools!

This list is not comprehensive, so follow your own wild and instinctive whims!

If you are drawn to herbalism and creating your own herbal concoctions, you may want to consider investing in a mortar and pestle to grind your herbs together and create amazing magickal herbal remedies and blends! You can even create your own natural incense by blending some dried herbs, flowers and resins and burning them on a charcoal disc!

As a Green Witch, you may want to create your own Witch’s Garden! If you have a backyard to create in that is wonderful, if not, then you can create a wonderful indoor garden with indoor plants and herbs!. You may need some secateurs (pruning clippers) for this magickal gardening adventure. You can enchant them with loving, magickal energy, so every time you prune, you are doing so with magickal intention, infusing both you and your plants with your magickal intentions while you prune and garden!

Beeswax, soy or non-toxic candles. These give a clean burn and don’t put any toxins into your witchy environment and they also aren’t made of harmful wax. A wonderful way to add clean magick that supports Gaia into your practice!

Repurposed jars to collect your dried herbs, flowers, stones, dirt, feathers, bones, as well as to use for any of your spells that may call for jars! (There seem to be a lot these days!)

Rosemary, dragon’s blood, culinary sage, mountain sage, desert sage, mugwort, eucalyptus are all great for smoke cleansing as alternatives to white sage and palo santo.

A book or an app that teaches you how to identify plants for your magickal herbalism and for going forging in the forest for your own magickal ingredients.

Ethically sourced crystals that support sustainable mining practices.

Natural stones, feathers, seeds, sticks, pine cones, dirt, things that you find in nature.

Tools For The Green Witch

Herbs, dirt, rocks, mortar & pestle and a book to record your herb knowledge in, are great tools to start practicing Green Witchery!

Make your own magick wand or wizard’s staff out of a stick that you find in nature! Really connect to the energy of where you find it, as well as the energy of the wood of the stick.

Homemade herbal remedies. Herbalism is a large part of being a Green Witch!

Elements of Faeries. Work with pictures, symbols, statues, Faerie wings, glitter, anything that channels Fae energy for you!

Elemental Magick Spell Jars to call in and honor the 5 elements of Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Ether. These are great to use in your rituals, ceremonies and spell work when you cast a circle. You can put each one in a circle around you, facing the direction that it represents. This is a great way to add Earth elements and elemental magick to your Green Witchery practice! Watch the YouTube video below, to learn how to make these jars!

How To Practice Green Witchery

Being a Green Witch is a way of life, as well as a way of practicing magick. Incorporating Green Witchery into your daily life, is a way to grow and expand into being a Nature Witch. Below are a few simple rituals that really cultivate the energy of being a Green Witch!

Earth Connecting Ritual: Make it a weekly ritual to connect to the Earth. You can do this by going out onto a patch of grass somewhere in your yard or a local park, and planting your feet or your womb or Hara space into the ground. (The Hara space is the energetic masculine equivalent to the womb space). Feel yourself connect to the Earth’s rhythms and vibrations as you feel your feet or womb/Hara space press into the ground. It is okay if you don’t notice anything at first, just have the intention of connecting with the vibrations, rhythms and cosmic grid of Gaia. Send intentional healing energy and gratitude to Mother Earth. Feel her. Witness her. Support her as she always supports you. Lay there for at least 5 minutes, allowing yourself to relax into the ground.

Green Witch Meditation: Try out this amazing “Green Witch Meditation To Awaken Your Natural Power” by the wonderful Sirena Moon, on YouTube! This is a great meditation to ground you and help you feel connected to nature.

Eco-Friendly Offerings To Gaia: Make Earth Coins as eco-friendly offerings to Gaia. Make a disc out of non-toxic, natural clay. Decorate the discs with herbs, dried flowers, pieces of natural rock or crystal, feathers and/or water colors. Leave them in the woods, forests, or nature trails as gratitude for the Earth. You could even leave them for the Fae!

Connect To Your Local Landscape: To make a deeper connection with your local landscape you can volunteer at a local urban garden or a local farm that may be nearby. There may even be a nature reserve or environmental advocacy groups in your neighborhood to volunteer with. Be in and with nature, giving your time to her and your local environment. Be intentional with your gift of volunteer work, sow your magick into the landscape through your hands as your work. Send the Earth healing energy, gratitude and love as you work with her. This is a great way to weave your magick into Mother Earth as well as the land that you reside on. As a bonus, you can look for Faeries as you connect to your landscape!

Bless & Honor Your Food: Whenever you prepare or eat a meal, thank the energy of whatever you are preparing before you start to cook with it. Fruits and vegetables especially, as they are still alive before we prepare them for food. Thank them for their energy, say a blessing from your heart, really witness and see the vegetable or fruit before you eat it or prepare it, and release it, so that it can go in peace. This is a great way to add intentional gratitude magick to the living things that you come into contact with. Say a chant or prayer of gratitude over your food before you eat it as well, thanking it for the energy and nourishment that it is providing your body.

Picture of a Green Witchery Spell

Performing spells out in nature, is a wonderful way to connect to elemental magick as well as your inner Nature Witch!

Simple Green Witchery Dirt & Candle Spell

If you made the elemental magick spell jars from the YouTube video above, light each of those up and form a circle around you, facing each jar in the direction that it represents.

Hold a handful of dirt in your hand and charge it with the intention of growth in whatever area in your life you would like to focus growth on.
Place the dirt in the center of a heat proof plate or dish (could also be your cauldron.)

Place a candle in the middle of the dirt. (Any color candle, you can choose a color that corresponds with what you are calling in growth for. Just be sure it is a beeswax or soy candle, because we are going to plant a seed in this dirt.)

Plant a seed in the dirt (whatever seed is calling to you to plant, again it could correspond with what you are working towards growing).

Light the candle and let it melt all the way down, holding the vision for your growth. Feel it, sense it, see it as if it is already happening. Feel the energy of growth happening for you right now.
Once your candle has burned down, take the dirt, candle wax remnants, and seed, and plant them in a pot or in your yard somewhere. Take care of this plant as if it is your growth baby, growing as you grow. As this seed grows into a beautiful plant, flower or fruit, the more you will grow in whichever area of your life you chose. Remember to tend to yourself and the growth of your dreams, as you tend to your beautiful seed. Blessed Be.

Closing The Circle

What an honor it has been to take you on a small exploration of Green Witchery! I love and practice many of these aspects myself, and it fills me with joy to be able to go on this journey of discovering what it is to be a Green Witch. Mother Earth is our home, there is no other like her. To honor her, practice magick in alignment with her, respect and honor her in our witchcraft, is so humbling. May we all learn how to bring ourselves more into alignment with her. Thank you for being here. Thank you for using your magick to support her. What a wonderful thing it is to a Green Witch!

Blessed Be,
Rebecca Phoenix

The post Beginner’s Guide To Green Witchery appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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Magick For Mental Health: Anxiety Spells Thu, 31 Mar 2022 17:59:38 +0000 Today, a little Magickal “self care” for you with a powerful anxiety spell along with a list of Magickal Techniques, rituals, and spells for depression. First, let’s start with the some practical tips… <3 Practical Tips For Mental Health (To Do In Support Of Anxiety And Depression Spells) Sleep well. Sleep is essential to your […]

The post Magick For Mental Health: Anxiety Spells appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

Today, a little Magickal “self care” for you with a powerful anxiety spell along with a list of Magickal Techniques, rituals, and spells for depression.

First, let’s start with the some practical tips… <3

Woman Meditating

Meditation, an anxiety spell, and deep inner contemplation of our beings can bring insight into the next steps to take towards healing our mental health.

Practical Tips For Mental Health (To Do In Support Of Anxiety And Depression Spells)

  • Sleep well.

Sleep is essential to your emotional well being. It is how your psyche works out the things that you are holding onto in your subconscious mind. Get the recommended  number of hours that you personally need (between 6-9 for the average adult, more for teenagers). You will feel rested and this is an important part of your healing journey. Naps are encouraged! 

  • Listen To Inspirational Talks 

Turn on a good podcast, audio book or motivational speech. You can do this while driving to work, prepping meals, during a workout, while taking a walk, or anytime you are doing another task. This can help lift your spirits and inspire you to take more action steps in your life, to start living the life of your dreams. 

  • Emotional Support Animals Or Magickal Familiars

There are many scientific studies that have shown the benefits of Emotional Support Animals, so much so that they are protected in many states for people with emotional and mental disabilities. They help to ease your anxiety and stress, as well as your nervous system and they also help you to feel bonded and connected, when connection to another human may be scary. Your Emotional Support Animal or familiar can offer a safe way to feel connected and loved.

  • Consider Finding A Therapist Or Other Mental Health Practitioner: 

Having someone who can hear you, hold space for you and reflect you, as well as offer insights, is one of the most healing and rewarding things that you can offer yourself. I personally see an amazing therapist who supports my magickal practice and also offers so much witness and support for my OCD, depression and anxiety. I say this to release some of the stigma off of receiving support for your mental health. It is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself. I highly recommend seeking out professional care for your anxiety and depression. 

  • Look Into Full Spectrum Light Bulbs Or Light Boxes: 

These are especially helpful if you have SADS (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and can help lift your mood and depression. 

  • Limit Your Screen Time

Screens and social media can really drain your energy, and as witches we tend to be very empathic. The blue light from screens is hard on your eyes and causes mental fatigue, and we all know that mental fatigue makes everything harder. Social media gives you an algorithmic version of the world, and this can oftentimes cause you despair and anxiety. It also creates an addiction in the mind to seeing the notifications, and once those notifications have been looked at, they leave you feeling emptier than before. Limiting your intake of both can have wonderful and helpful effects on your mental health. 

  • Diet & Supplements

Nutrition does play a role in your mental health. There are new studies being done on how inflammation in the body could be a factor into depression and anxiety. The better that you care for your body, the better your mental health will be. The body and the mind are connected, and what you do to the body you do to the mind, and vice versa. Consider making some dietary changes or adding in some of the supplements listed below. 

NOTE: always consult your health care provider before starting any supplements, to make sure that they are right for you.

  • Incorporate Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Herbs like turmeric and cumin are great anti-inflammatory foods. SauerkraHello and welcome magickal seeker,

If you are reading this, you may be in a space in your life where you are working through some mental health concerns or issues. I want to start by affirming that what you are feeling is real. Your anxiety, depression, feelings of hopelessness or despair, or any similar feelings, are valid human experiences that are truly an act of bravery to overcome. I see you. I witness you. Today I will show you magickal way to support yourself during this time of mental health crisis. These insights come from a magickal and transpersonal perspective, highlighting what may be happening during this difficult  period in your life, as well as some witchy tips on how to best support yourself during this time. 

I know from personal experience that living with depression and anxiety is a life-long journey, filled with many ups and downs. My own challenges are related to clinical depression, OCD and anxiety. 

This article is not meant to be a substitute for working with a professional in the field. The magickal offerings I give you today will support the work that you may already be doing with a therapist, psychiatrist, healer, acupuncturist, or any other medical practitioner. In my experience, the more ways you can find to support yourself through these darker periods, the quicker they clear. Though there are periods where one needs to simply sit with dark feelings and not do anything, and that is okay too. So wherever you are on your journey, I send you love, hope, and light to illuminate your path through these winding tunnels of mental health. 

Depression And Anxiety: Through The Lens Of Magick Spells For Anxiety

Witch writing in her journal

Writing in your journal or book of shadows is a great way to explore the inner depths of yourself.

What is happening when you feel anxious or depressed? 

Each person has their own unique life experiences that contribute to their mental health. But one thing that seems universal, is the energy we experience when we are anxious or depressed. Anxiety stems from living in the future and depression stems from being stuck in the past.

Anxiety is usually worrying about future events and what might happen. When you feel anxious you are focused on what is coming and what could potentially cause you harm, leading to hypervigilance. You are convinced that if you can see far into the future of what is to come, you can control the outcome. This feeling can cause deep anxiety, especially when you recognize there are variables you cannot control.
Anxiety can also be a way to avoid deeper feelings. If you speed up and move really fast from one thing to the next, you can quite literally “spin” your energy and distract yourself from feelings of helplessness.

Depression is usually a feeling that stems from being stuck in the past somewhere, trying to relive or control events that have already happened. This often stems from regret, shame, sadness, or fear of past choices. Living in the past distracts you from experiencing the present moment, leaving you feeling hollow, empty or hopeless. Sometimes the energy system also wisely depresses your system so that you have to slow down and sit with the feelings that you may have been avoiding in your anxiety. 

How can you use magick to understand anxiety and depression, and cast a targeted depression spell, or anxiety spell? 

Shadow work: As a witch, you may have come across the term shadow work. Shadow work is deep, inner, explorative work that takes you on a journey into the underworld of yourself. All of the hidden aspects of the self reside here, the places only the bravest dare to go. Human beings will avoid shame over any other human emotion or feeling. All the aspects of ourselves that we have shamed, are hidden within the shadow realm. To work in the shadow realm takes tremendous bravery, courage and strength of heart. 

Shadow work is to learn to fully love, accept and embrace the aspects of your hidden and shamed self. During shadow work you atone for who you are, and what you have done in your life; fully owning the good, the bad, and the ugly. You can think of this as the Hero’s Journey (or Heroine’s Journey, as I like to call it). 

Reading Goddess myths of Inanna or Persephone, is a great way to support your Heroine’s Journey and your shadow work. You can also call these archetypal energies into your magickal work when doing healing spells, spells to relieve depression and anxiety, or any work related to the shadow. 

Hecate (Queen of the Witches) is another Goddess and archetypal energy you can call on for support during this journey. As she guided Persephone through her descent into the underworld, she will support and guide you through yours. 

Cast a healing anxiety spell and set the intention to know yourself: 

When you perform a healing spell for yourself (whether it’s a spell for anxiety, depression, or physical healing), make sure you add the intention to more deeply understand and know yourself, in whichever ways serve your highest good. Sometimes you aren’t ready for all of the puzzle pieces and so the universe gives you bits and pieces at a time. Setting this extra intention during spell work will bring you self-knowledge and an understanding of yourself on a deeper level, when the time is right. 

Light your working candle and perform divination: 

If you have a working candle (a candle that is only burnt during spells or rituals) then light your candle and perform divination on how to best support your mind body and spirit through this period of anxiety and depression. You can use oracle cards, runes, a pendulum, or another method you prefer. Divination helps you receive guidance from your spirit guides, ancestors, angels, and any other guides that you may have. 

If you don’t have a working candle, simply pick a candle (perhaps in a color that feels like happiness, courage and strength), and light that as you do your divination. 

Meditate and accept the feelings: 

This is a hard one! It might be that you can only tolerate doing this for a split second (literally!). That’s okay. It takes practice to sit with negative feelings without moving to fix them or change them. Allow yourself to simply be curious and sit in quiet stillness… not thinking or doing… just feeling. Allow your emotions to be what they are, and feel them for as long as you can tolerate it.

Tarot Spread And Journal Prompts To Go Deeper 

Circle of Tarot Cards

Create a circle with your Tarot card spread to symbolize wholeness and your depression coming full circle. This is also an image of my personal Tarot spread for depression

Below are some journal prompts and questions you can ask yourself to explore the mysteries of your psyche. Write whatever pops into your head, stream of consciousness. Release judgments and don’t filter yourself. Just be curious. 

  • What are my feelings guiding me towards?
  • How can I hear/see/witness myself and/or my inner child more deeply and lovingly? 
  • What part of me is trying to be seen and heard? 
  • What age is that part of me that is trying to be witnessed?
  • What fear of the future am I holding on to? 
  • What regret of the past am I holding on to? 

There is also a YouTube video linked below, that takes you through the process of doing this Tarot spread. 

5 Card Tarot Spread Depression Spell for “Healing Depression”:

Do a quick meditation, then shuffle your cards. Lay the cards out, one by one, in a circle, face down. Reveal each card one at a time, really feeling into each card. Journal to go deeper. 

NOTE: These questions can also be used as journal prompts.

Card 1: What is blocking me in the present moment? 

Card 2: How does anxiety serve me?

Card 3: What am I holding onto from the past that is weighing me down? 

Card 4: What is one step towards release and healing that I can take today? 

Card 5: What will the outcome of that release be?

How To Magickally Support Mental Health Healing With Anti-Anxiety Magick

These suggestions can help you support yourself as you navigate anxiety and depression. Naturally, this is not a comprehensive list; there are countless ways you might support your mental well-being. Here you will find a few magickal offerings that you may like to try, or that may help inspire your own ideas. 

Carry Crystals: Carry these crystals to help support you during the day… carnelian, smoky quartz, lepidolite, jasper, obsidian and tiger’s eye. These stones help to relieve negative thoughts, depression, and anxiety and help to protect your energy as well. 

Burn Incense: Burn scents like frankincense and myrrh, benzoin, lavender or any citrus scent. This will help to elevate your mood, relieve feelings of depression and anxiety, and calm your nervous system. 

Burn Magickal Candles: Dress candles with sunflower oil (invoke the power of the sun to help relieve depression). Sprinkle with botanicals such as mint, orange peel, or lemon peel, lavender and eyebright. Burn this candle as a stand alone spell, or add it to other spells you cast for anxiety or depression. 

Drink Wellness Tea: Combine chamomile, st. john’s wort and lemon balm and brew into a tea. As you brew your tea, say a chant of intention for mental wellness over your tea: “I intend to be mentally healthy. So Mote It Be.”

Take A Spiritual Bath: Take a bath with lavender, lemon balm and eyebright. As you soak, feel the herbs support you and your mental wellness. Allow the energy of anxiety to drain from you. Allow the energy of depression to be lifted from you as the herbs lift your mind, body and spirit. You can also light some candles in colors listed above to add more magick. Feel and visualize the Divine surrounding you in love, peace and harmony. 

Cleanse With Eyebright: For a simple happiness spell, make weak tea with the herb eyebright. Splash this cleansing water over your eyes, with the intention of washing away depression or anxiety, and clearing your vision for a renewed perspective on life. 

Energy Healing/Body Mind Counseling: Make an appointment with an energy healer, Reiki practitioner, Shaman, Acupuncturist or body mind counselor. They can help to clear your energy, guide you to find deeper meaning, and come back to your center.

Make A Wellness Bundle: Tie into a bundle, lavender and chamomile, or st. john’s wort and lemon balm. Hang this above your bed to help soothe your mind while you sleep, and lift your spirits in the morning. 

Bundled Magick Healing Herbs

Magickal healing herbs can be used in a varity of magickal ways to support you and your mental health.


Mental Health Spells

Black Candle Anti Anxiety Spell

Light a black candle, look in the mirror and affirm your worthiness, then say: 

“Only that which is in my highest good is allowed to stay.
I dispel anything that stands in my way.
I am clear. I am whole. So Mote It Be.”

DIY Happiness Spell

Create a personal happiness spell for yourself. Include things that bring you joy and happiness in life. Your spell could be as simple as feeling the wind on your skin, or bathing in the ocean, or planting a garden. Pick things that feel good to you and create a ritual or spell around them, intending for happiness to seep through you and into your heart and soul. 

Mojo Depression Spell Bag For Healing Anxiety & Depression

Choose a small black bag and fill it using any of the herbs or crystals already suggested, to create a magickal ‘mojo’ bag. Carry it with you to support your mental well being. Use whichever herbs and crystals call to you. Once the bag is ready, chant something like this over it: 

“May this bag dispel my fear,
and hold close to me what is dear.
I am worthy of hope. I am worthy of love.
I am worthy of this life. So Mote It Be.” 

Magickal Crystals and Herbs

Adding healing crystals and herbs to mojo bags is a great way to add magickal support that you can wear on your person’s daily!

Mental Health Poppet Spell 

The video linked below will show you how to create your own magickal poppet to aid mental health healing to help with anxiety and depression. 

Once you have made your poppet, you can work with them in these ways to help support your healing:

  • Send healing light over your poppet by imagining light emanating from your hands and into the poppet.
  • Chants or say mantras over your poppet.
  • Visualize your poppet being relieved of anxiety and depression. 
  • Use poppet in happiness spells, healing spells, or spells for depression. 
  • Show your poppet some love, then place them under or next to your pillow at night while you sleep. 

Color Magick Spell For Depression

Colors evoke emotions in us. When you use color magick it can help to soothe and support your journey. It is a powerful way to help support positive thoughts and feelings on a subconscious level.

  • Purple: connection to Divinity; Divine support, love, ease and grace
  • Blue: soothing and calming
  • Green: heart chakra connection and heart healing
  • White: clears and calls in new energy, free of depression or anxiety

Miraculous “Mundane” Magick Rituals For Anxiety

In this next section, explore everyday, “mundane” tips for moving towards healing and working with anxiety or depression. My fellow witch Sister, Galena Stormrider, perfectly explains why this so helpful below:

“If you study tarot, manifestation, Hermeticism, or Wicca, you have likely heard the phrase “As Above, So Below!” Just as everything has scientific or earthly value, it also has magickal and spiritual value. 

Practical or magickal, natural or synthetic, modern or ancient– there are often huge differences of opinion when it comes to approaching mental wellness. As someone in touch with their magickal side, you may feel conflicted at times over which approaches are best to take! 

Luckily, modern medicine and magick can coexist beautifully to create the perfect wellness regimen for you. Both medicine and magickal ritual are only as helpful as you find them to be as an individual with a unique relationship to mental health and spiritual practice.” ~Galena Stormrider 

Regular Activities To Support Your Well-Being

Live in the present moment as much as possible. Find love and compassion for yourself. Creating new self-care habits for yourself is vital for your emotional well being. The list below is not meant to overwhelm you. If you only do one thing off of this list, that is amazing! If all you can do right now is consider doing something off of the list below, that is enough too. I promise you, that any step that you can take towards your healing is enough. Free yourself of judgment. Give yourself mad magickal props whenever you take steps towards supporting yourself. 

  • 5 Minute Meditation

Find 5 minutes throughout your day, and take a moment to simply breathe. Sit with yourself and your feelings; let them move through you and you imagine yourself bathed in light. This can do tremendous things for your mental well being. 

  • Sunbathing

Take 5-15 minutes on each side of your body, and let the sun kiss your skin. The sun is an amazing mood booster! On a physical level it helps you produce vitamin-D. It also clears your auric field of any energetic debris, helping to clear your minds and spirit. If you can find time to do this every other day, it is super helpful and supportive for emotional well being. Even once a week is helpful! 

  • Eat Magickal Meals

Cook or prepare food and drink with intention. Stir magick into your tea, coffee, or smoothies. Ask your food to nourish your mind, as well as your body. Setting an intention for healing and repairing the mind and body is a great way to support your mental health. 

  • Buy Yourself Flowers

Filling your space with things that bring you joy, like your favorite flowers, is a great way to freshen up your space and your mood. It also is a way to show you that YOU are taking care of and loving yourself, and this is a wonderful way to support your mental wellness. 

  • Move Your Body At Least 10 Minutes A Day

Moving your body helps promote serotonin and dopamine in your system, hormones which are often depleted in depressed people. Movement helps release anxiety. Depression and anxiety live in both the mind and the body. Working with the body greatly supports your mental well being. You can take a walk, dance, do aerobics, strength training, swim, ride a horse, play a sport, go for a hike in nature, anything that makes you happy and gets you moving. 

  • Get Into Nature

Spending time in nature helps your nervous system calm down, which soothes anxiety. It can also help you feel connected to something greater than yourself; something deeper than your current life-state. This can bring a sense of peace and calm to your life, renewing your purpose. As a bonus, getting out into nature at night where you can look at the stars, can help you remember how big and vast the cosmos is, creating a sense of awe; the opposite feeling of depression. 

  • Light Candles And Listen To Music

Let candle light bathe and relax you. Lay on the floor and feel the vibrations of music move through you. 

  • Get Enough Sleep

Kimchi, kombucha, or anything fermented can also be a great anti-inflammatory food (just avoid things with sugar, as sugar is inflammatory.) 

  •  Incorporate Leafy Greens

Greens such as spinach, kale and chard are great for the mind and body! 

  • Remove Processed Foods & Sugars

As much as possible, you want to eliminate processed foods and sugars. This can be a slow process of eliminating these foods over time. Give yourself time and grace. 


Below is a list of suggested supplements that have shown to help mental well-being. Supplements can be a great support to your body, but they should be taken with care just as any other medication. Speak with your healthcare provider before starting any supplement routine. 

St. John’s Wort: This herb is said to help ease anxiety and depression. 

B-Complex: Vitamin B deficiency can cause anxiety to increase. Taking a daily B-Complex is very helpful to reduce anxiety in the body. 

Vitamin-D: Vitamin-D is essential for your immune system as well as your mental well being. Knowing how much you need is very important, so talking with your health care provider about testing your vitamin-D levels is a great place to start before supplementing. 

Sam-E: This is a natural antidepressant and can have great benefits. This is a very strong and powerful supplement and should not be taken by those who have been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and other mental health disorders. Working with a healthcare professional on dosage is essential for this supplement.  

Closing The Circle

Thank you so much for joining me in exploring magickal ways that you can work with your anxiety and depression. This truly is a life-long journey of hope and renewal. Be sure to find support for yourself when you can’t seem to find hope or renewal inside of yourself. There is no shame in being in these dark places. It is so important to witness and embrace these parts of yourself. Magick can help to support you through the toughest experiences, and work in tandem with professional care. 

You are not alone in this journey, I am right there beside you, lighting a torch for myself as well as you, as you navigate these unknown, dark tunnels. I see you. I witness you. You are loved. You are whole. You are worthy. 

Blessed Be,

Rebecca Phoenix

The post Magick For Mental Health: Anxiety Spells appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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Witchcraft Altars: How To Set Up An Altar For A Beginner Witch Fri, 11 Mar 2022 18:49:58 +0000 As a beginner witch, one of the first steps toward practicing magick regularly is to create a dedicated witchcraft altar. A witching altar is a sacred workspace dedicated to all your magickal workings! As a baby witch, starting an altar is a rite of passage that marks the beginning of a more consistent magickal practice. […]

The post Witchcraft Altars: How To Set Up An Altar For A Beginner Witch appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

As a beginner witch, one of the first steps toward practicing magick regularly is to create a dedicated witchcraft altar. A witching altar is a sacred workspace dedicated to all your magickal workings! As a baby witch, starting an altar is a rite of passage that marks the beginning of a more consistent magickal practice.

In order to help you set up an altar, I will show you the basic elements of a witchcraft altar, as well as how to decorate, cleanse, and protect it. Each altar is as unique as the witch who crafts it, so I encourage you to take these tips as a guide, not a rulebook!

Beautiful Witchcraft Altar

This simple altar uses a triangular shelf to add height and storage space. The triangle represents manifestation and creation. Which shapes might you incorporate in your sacred space?

What Should Your Witchcraft Altar Include?

As you begin brainstorming what your magickal workspace will look like, remember that altars come in all shapes and sizes. The magick of witchcraft comes from tools and symbols that resonate with your personal power. Therefore, you have the freedom to use anything and everything that feels sacred, important, or relevant to you, as this is your sacred space! Use the birth of your altar to practice your creativity and resourcefulness.

Firstly, you will need to decide on the best location for all your magickal workings. A witchcraft altar can be used for meditation, spellwork, divination, and ritual, so think about the atmosphere, privacy, and amount of space you will need to perform these activities comfortably. Typically, witches will choose to use a table, dresser, nightstand, or desk as their altar surface. You may want to cover the altar surface with an altar cloth that feels magickal to you. 

People who are in the broom closet, or keep their magickal practice hidden, may choose to keep their altar hidden, or set up a witching altar that is small, obscured, or travel-sized. A simple candle on a nightstand can be the perfect altar for a witch that needs to go noticed. There is also something quite mystical and mysterious about keeping your magickal tools hidden in a drawer, chest, or shoe box.

A beginning witch secret travel altar

A box containing a witch’s altar tools such as candles, crystals, a lighter, and a bundle of sage.]

Witches who travel often or want their altar to remain impermanent may choose to create a travel altar. These types of altars usually consist of the most basic tools or small, mini-sized tools. They only include what one needs to do spellwork on the fly, and can be kept in a pencil pouch, shoe box, or my personal favorite– an altoid tin! While these types of altars may feel more temporary, a travel altar allows you to practice magick anywhere you go! You may want to include:

  • A piece of selenite or clear quartz
  • Birthday candles or tealight candles
  • Matches
  • Chalk for drawing sigils
  • A vial of salt water
  • Sticky notes or a pocket notebook
  • A pen (which doubles as a wand)

In this video tutorial, the gifted Sirena Moon will show you how to create a travel altar!

Lucky witches who have access to the outdoors may even choose to set up their magickal witching altars in nature, especially during the warmer seasons. Communal altars may be set up in public spaces for all to leave offerings or pray at, sometimes to specific spirits or deities. If you decide to set up an altar in a public or natural space, remember to maintain it and make sure your tools and offerings do not become litter in your precious environment! 

Next, you will need to decide which tools you would like to use during your magickal practices. You’ll keep many of these on your witchcraft altar. These are the things you will want to keep on, or nearby your witchcraft altar. Most often, witches will have tools on their altar that represent the energy of each of the five elements. As you call on the elements in your spellwork, the following tools may come in handy…

  • Earth: Crystals, a bowl of salt, a jar of crossroads dirt or sand, a pentacle, a bowl of coins. Earth elements are typically kept on the North portion of the altar.
  • Air: Incense, a feather, a sage bundle, a bell, bird imagery. Air elements are typically kept on the East portion of the altar.
  • Water: A chalice filled with ritual water, seashells, seaglass, driftwood, mermaid or siren imagery. Water elements are typically kept on the West portion of the altar.
  • Fire: Candles, a wand, an athame. Note: Wands and athames are considered to represent the element of Air by some witches. Choose the association that works best for you! Fire elements are typically kept on the South portion of the altar.
  • Spirit: Symbols, photos, and animal totems that represent specific deities or ancestors you work with, offerings to deities and spirits you work with, or divination tools such as pendulums, tarot decks, and dice. Spirit elements are typically kept in the center portion of the altar.

You may choose only a few of these tools, or you may choose all of them! Experiment with minimalist and maximalist approaches, colorful and monochrome, or larger and smaller spaces. Figure out what feels most inspiring to you, and take into consideration the colors and symbols of any deities you honor, as well as the current season and magickal holidays. 

A public shrine to the Virgin Mary

A public shrine to the Virgin Mary

How To Make Your Witchcraft Altar Magickal

Before you begin practicing at your altar, you will want to ensure this sacred workspace is cleansed of any negative energies. By performing the following cleansing ritual, you will make sure that you’re working on a clean slate and that no lingering energies from the space interfere with your magick. Be sure to maintain the cleanliness of your altar by repeating this ritual weekly, monthly, or as you feel necessary. Many witches, myself included, choose to cleanse their altars toward the end of a lunar cycle to start the new moon with a fresh canvas.

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to set up a beginner witching altar and bless it for magickal use. 

You will need:

  • A cleaning rag
  • Moon water, holy water, or salt water
  • Florida water or another cleansing liquid of your choice
  • A sage bundle or protective incense such as Frankincense
  • A Divine oil of your choosing such as Frankincense or Jasmine

STEP #1: First, make sure your windows are open as you do this, to allow the negative energies an escape route.

STEP #2: Beginning with your barren surface, start with a physical wipe down. You may use a rag doused in florida water, which has spiritual and physical cleansing properties. You may also use lemon or vinegar water. As you do so, set your intentions for purifying the altar surface.

STEP #3: If you’re using an altar cloth, wash or spray it with the same cleanser you used to clean the table before placing it onto the surface.

STEP #4: Next, light your incense or sage bundle and wave the smoke over your altar. As you do so affirm that this altar is cleansed of all energies.

STEP #5: Using moon water, holy water, or a protective oil such as frankincense, anoint the surface in the shape of a pentacle. This will boost the magickal energy of your altar and recharge it with the power of the five elements. Jasmine oil works well if you’re looking to charge your altar with more lunar energy, which helps aid divination abilities.

STEP #6: Now that your altar itself is cleansed and charged, you will need to cleanse the tools and items you will place upon it. You can do this by waving incense or sage smoke over each tool, and thanking each item for serving you on your magickal journey.

Once your altar is set up and you feel ready to put it to use, you may bless the space with the following consecration ritual.

You will need:

  • Letter writing paper
  • An envelope
  • A writing utensil
  • An offering of 5 coins or rose petals

STEP #1: Sit in front of your cleansed and charged altar with the intention of being open to its vibrational energy. What is your altar’s vibe? Maybe it’s a safe and nurturing space where you feel comfortable and relaxed. Maybe it’s an academic space where you will study and put your spiritual wisdom to the test. Maybe it’s supercharged, making you feel powerful and limitless. Maybe it’s all of the above!

STEP #2: As you feel the energy of your altar, get back in touch with your personal energy. How will this altar serve your magickal purpose?

STEP #3: Write a letter to your altar thanking it for serving this magickal purpose.

STEP #4: Place this letter into the envelope along with the offering. Your five coins or flower petals represent the hand of the Divine, as well as the five elements.

STEP #5: On the outside of the envelope, write the following: I bless this altar with the power to aid my magickal workings. Protect me from all unwelcome energies, and serve my unique magickal mission.

STEP #6: Stash this envelope in a secret compartment, a drawer, or in between some books on your altar!

How To Use Your Magickal Altar

Image of a beautiful witch working with her altar

A witch working some potent magick at her altar. Many witches choose to adopt this more antiquated aesthetic for historic inspiration!

Now that you’re all set up, your witchcraft altar will serve as a home base for your spellwork, rituals, journaling, and so much more! Many baby witches are unsure of how often they must visit their altar or what sort of magickal workings are best performed there. The truth is, there is no wrong way to utilize your altar! Trust your intuition, and remember that your altar is meant to serve you– and not the other way around. Your witching altar is there for you to visit whenever it intuitively feels good to do so.

Some witches make a point to visit their altars daily and/or nightly, especially to begin or end their day with gratitude journaling. Other witches may practically live at their altars, allowing their mundane tasks to be supported by their magickal foundation. Some may only visit their altars for the eight sabbats or for special lunar and solar events.

The great thing about your altar is that it is always available to you whenever you need magickal support in any task. Nearly every witch will go through periods in which they do not visit their altar as frequently as they would like to. As a result, dust may collect and the magickal energy may become stagnant. If this happens, do not feel guilty! 

As all things in our lives, our magickal practice will ebb and flow. If you find that your altar space does not appeal to you, ask yourself what you can do to liven up the space and make it more practical for you. Consider decorating for the season, finding inspiration online, or choosing an area of your home that is more cozy to work in.

Lastly, do not feel pressured to imitate other witches. We are all unique, and what works well for one witch may simply not resonate with you. While some are inspired by antiquated aesthetics, some witches keep their altars on their tech devices. Appreciate what suits others, but do not give up on finding what suits you!

Your Magickal Milestone

In closing, I hope you find setting up your magickal witchcraft altar to be a fun and creative process. Creating your witching altar is a rite of passage that each witch should be extremely proud of. Congratulations on taking this step toward affirming and supporting your spiritual path!

May your altar be inviting, powerful, and protected as you grow into yourself, witchling! I am sending you Divine love and light in all of your magickal activities.

With Gratitude,

Galena Stormrider 🙂

The post Witchcraft Altars: How To Set Up An Altar For A Beginner Witch appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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Self Love Spells: How To Practice Self Love As A Witch Thu, 24 Feb 2022 17:58:51 +0000 When you think of self love spells and rituals, you may think of meditation, a bubble bath, or a spa day. While these are lovely ideas that come highly recommended, it is important for us to tailor our self-care practices to our specific needs. As a witch, you may frequently open yourself to different energies […]

The post Self Love Spells: How To Practice Self Love As A Witch appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

When you think of self love spells and rituals, you may think of meditation, a bubble bath, or a spa day. While these are lovely ideas that come highly recommended, it is important for us to tailor our self-care practices to our specific needs. As a witch, you may frequently open yourself to different energies and channel your power into various projects. Working with magick can be highly demanding, especially if you are a healer, empath, or psychic. As a witch navigating the modern world, you need to care for yourself on many different levels. In this blog post we will dive deeply into the importance of self-care and discover fun, practical ways you can magickally care for yourself.

How To Practice Self Love Daily

While every person deserves to prioritize their self-care, there are quite a few reasons self-care is vital for witches. Firstly, witchy self-care can increase your magickal power. When you take care of your physical and spiritual bodies, you will have the ethereal energy to cultivate and utilize your magick to its fullest potential!

Secondly, witchcraft calls on you to work with many different energies. It is crucial that you practice good spiritual hygiene by cleansing yourself of external energies and keeping your vibration pure. When you don’t, it can cause you to feel lethargic, exhausted, or even depressed. You can cleanse your sacred space easily by using incense or sage in your home and at your altar when you clean. Just make sure your windows are open for the energy to leave through. You can cleanse your body by taking salt baths, eating citrus fruits, and using essential oils such as tea tree, rosemary, or lemon. Be sure that any essential oils applied to the skin are diluted with a carrier oil! You can use olive oil, grapeseed oil, almond oil and so on.

Additionally, it is vital for you to practice self-care and self-love by enforcing boundaries with others, yourself, and the spiritual energies you work with. Boundaries in your physical relationships are just as depleting to your personal power as energetic boundaries with the spirit world are.

For example, if you tend to make decisions that please others at the cost of your own happiness, you may betray yourself and give more of your effort to others than you are capable of. This can leave you too tired to perform magick and protect yourself properly while doing so. On the flipside, you may keep strong walls up, never allowing others to help, love, or nurture you. It is important for witches to be receptive to support, from our loved ones and from the Divine. Support helps us to enact our will and receive blessings and our manifestations.

Image of a person practicing self love rituals with a candle.

One intentional moment of self love each day can be transformative. What will you do to care for yourself toda

In order to ensure that you have time and space to practice self-care, it is important to assess the amount of time you spend on yourself, your responsibilities, and the needs or desires of others. Answer the following journal prompts in order to analyze your relationship to boundaries:

How can I help myself more?
In what areas do I wish to receive help more often?
In what ways can I afford to give help?

Set boundaries with your own mind. Replace negative self-talk and limiting beliefs with gratitude and loving affirmations. This is key to spiritual success. If you struggle with negative thoughts, you make a self-loving commitment to yourself to speak at least one positive affirmation daily. Seek support via therapy or from your loved ones. Practicing shadow work in order to heal.

Finally, you must also enforce boundaries with the spiritual realm, especially if you are performing healing or divination work. When practicing divination, I draw an “X” over my third eye to signify to Spirit that I am finished channeling. Closing your channels will ensure that you aren’t continually receiving messages, which can be exhausting.

Boost your psychic protection by wearing crystals that transmute negative energies into positive ones and fortify your energetic forcefield. Wonderful crystals for protection are hematite, amber, black obsidian, and black tourmaline. Some crystals known for invoking Divine protection are pink tourmaline, aquamarine, and turquoise. If you work with certain deities, research crystals associated with them to invoke their protection. Be sure to cleanse your crystals in salt or incense smoke and charge them often by the sun or moon!

[Insert Tourmaline.jpg with caption: Black Tourmaline is a powerful crystal that acts as a psychic forcefield for spiritual protection.]

How To Tailor Magickal Self Love Practice To Meet Your Needs

As you set boundaries and dedicate yourself to your self-care routines, make a list of practices that are practical for you. As you consider the following suggestions, ask yourself which practices are most accessible and suitable for your needs. In other words, which practices can you realistically see yourself attempting?

Self-massage: This act of self-love is a wonderful way to wind-down at night. Use lavender or jasmine essential oils and massage your shoulders, hands, and feet to help you relax and grow your compassion. You may also massage yourself with crystals to add extra pressure and imbue your massage with metaphysical properties. Ruby and garnet are known to stimulate blood circulation and bring passion and joy to your life. Jasper increases your courage and motivation. Rose quartz increases your self-love, while Lapis Lazuli can help you gain greater mastery of your mind.

Kitchen Witchcraft: Eating is non-negotiable for your well being. Simply add intention to your cooking to make this a magickal act. Show yourself care by using food to nourish yourself and meet both your magickal and physical needs. Make a list of these needs and note the ingredients associated with them. Here are some ideas to start with:

  • chocolate and cocoa powder for love and compassion
  • honey for kindness and sweetness
  • lettuce for relaxing
  • root vegetables for grounding
Herbs and other kitchen witchery tools and ingredients for a form of self love ritual.

Cooking with magickal intention can nourish the soul with self caring.

Sound Healing: From your favorite music, to singing bowls, to binaural beats – there are endless ways to show yourself some love through sound. Certain frequencies provide various healing benefits such as chakra unblocking and aligning, deeper sleep, heart awakening, and heightened intuition! For example, music tuned to 444 Hz is known to provide angelic healing. Schumann resonances, or peaks in the low frequency portions of Earth’s electromagnetic field, are a 7.83 Hz frequency that provides healing and serenity through the Earth’s heartbeat. Playing binaural beats and sound bath playlists while you are sleeping or working is a great way to care for yourself and calm your mind without adding an extra task to your schedule.

Subliminal Affirmations: Listening to subliminal affirmations while you work, meditate, or sleep feeds your subconscious with positive, high-vibration thoughts. Choose affirmations you would like to align with in your waking life. The power of positivity is vital for feeling, behaving, and showing up as your best self. Though sometimes the stressors of life can make this difficult. Subliminal affirmations give you the extra boost of positivity your brain needs to recover and bounce back from a tough day, especially if you struggle with negative thoughts. This can passively reshape the language your brain is comfortable with hearing and using in your waking life.

Wash it Off: An easy way to feel lighter at the end of a tough day or week is to cleanse yourself with salt and essential oils such as tea tree, lavender, and chamomile. When you do, use the power of intention to visualize all your worries and burdens being washed down the drain. This is a great way to add a refreshing boost of self-love to your shower routine. Plus it clears your energy field for more powerful magick!


Sound healing tools.

Use the frequencies of sound to fortify your self love spells and daily rituals!

My favorite thing about these activities is that none of them take a lot of time, so they aren’t an added burden to an already busy schedule. When we are not feeling our best, self-care can sometimes feel like another chore. When you are feeling absolutely fatigued or struggling with chronic depression, release expectations of yourself. When you need time to overcome fatigue or depression, worrying about what you think you should be doing can prevent self-care from actually being restful.

It’s also important to note that productivity can sometimes be a form of self-care, though these things are often talked about as separate entities. If you are struggling with perfectionism, procrastination, or work anxiety, you may benefit from productive self-care by scratching things off your to-do list. One quick way to do this is by cleaning your room and taking your work tasks one step at a time. Unburdening yourself in this way is absolutely a form of showing up for yourself and taking care of your inner child so your needs may be met.

Ensure that you strike a proper balance between productivity and leisure by having firm boundaries with your work schedule, and say no to tasks that you may be unable to handle effectively. While not every human is given the luxury of turning down work, each human is inherently worthy of self-love and leisure time. If you may, advocate for this right by modeling self-love, setting standards of self-care and boundaries in your workplace, and being an example for others! When you take time to rest and recharge, you are claiming that your spirit deserves time to be nurtured, just as everyone’s spirit does!

Simple Self Love Spells for the Modern Witch

Use the power of witchcraft to recharge, replenish, and love yourself with these simple, magickal self love spells!

Galena’s Recharge and Replenish Ritual

In this video demonstration, I will show you how to perform a simple recharge and replenish ritual that is perfect for beginner witches.

For this ritual you will need:

  • A glass of water for purification
  • A fresh lemon or orange to represent solar energy
  • A clear quartz or citrine crystal for harnessing light
  • A white candle for cleansing

Begin by centering and grounding.

Add the juice of a lemon or orange to your water and place it before you.

Light the candle and hold the clear quartz in your hands.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply, allowing yourself to settle and feel a sense of internal balance.

When you are ready, hold the crystal to your forehead and say to yourself, “I call on solar energy to cleanse and charge me. Illuminate my needs so I may feel powerful once more. I will be patient, graceful, and kind with myself as you replenish my mind, body, and spirit.”

Then, drink the water and keep the crystal close to you as you recover!

Be compassionate and patient with yourself as your energy and motivation returns!

Rebecca Phoenix’s Self Love Ritual Altar

In this video demonstration, Rebecca Phoenix will show you how to dedicate an altar to your self love practice. This is a lovely place to perform the recharge and replenish ritual, as well as other rituals for your well being and confidence.

[Insert Rebecca’s Self-Love Altar Video and steps]

Rebecca Phoenix’s How To Practice Self Love Witchcraft Tips for Enchanting Your Beauty Routine

These magickal self love tips from Rebecca Phoenix will allow you to enchant your beauty routine and fortify your hair, skin, and nails for an inner and outer glow.

Did you know that you can give yourself magickal self care just by adding some intentional and magickal elements to your daily skin, hair and teeth routine? Integrating magick into tasks and routines that we already do daily, is a great way to magickally take care of ourselves.

STEP 1: Before washing your face, or applying skin care, or make-up, enchant each item. You can do this by blowing magick into each item before you apply it. Set your intention, and use your imagination to see your breath as a glowing light. Imagine your beauty products glowing with magickal energy, and feel that magickal energy infuse into your skin, giving you an inner and outer glow!

STEP 2: In many cultures it is believed that our hair is an extension of our nervous system. That, like an antenna, it helps us receive Divine messages and sense our surroundings. In this way, your hair acts as a shield, an alarm system, and a conduit between you and the Divine. While you brush or comb your hair, imagine strength and courage being infused throughout the strands. Set an intention to receive messages from the Divine, through your hair.

STEP 3: As magickal practitioners, many of us have had to hide who we truly are. To keep ourselves safe we have had to keep our truth to ourselves, making our words not quite sincere. This can lead to a lack of true self-expression and self-love. Set an intention that while you floss your teeth, you are flossing out these insincerities and any words or expressions that are not in alignment with your highest truth. As you brush your teeth, set the intention that you are brushing in your truest expression, setting your mouth and your voice free, expressing whatever is in your highest good and your highest truth.

Closing the Self Love Circle

Just as you must take physical care of your bodies, magickal self-care can fortify your spiritual health and enhance your power. Even in a busy world, one intentional moment in your day can be reclaimed for self-love. May these tips for self-care inspire your practice and help you thrive on your magickal path!

With Love and Gratitude,
Galena Stormrider

The post Self Love Spells: How To Practice Self Love As A Witch appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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How To Read Tarot Cards: The Fool’s Journey Tue, 15 Feb 2022 17:32:08 +0000 Today, I’m going to show you some techniques for learning how read tarot cards. We’re going to focus on the “Fools Journey”. Many people who are new to reading tarot cards are hesitant, put off, or even offended when they first receive The Fool card. The term “fool” is associated with ignorance, oblivion, and of […]

The post How To Read Tarot Cards: The Fool’s Journey appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

Today, I’m going to show you some techniques for learning how read tarot cards. We’re going to focus on the “Fools Journey”.

Many people who are new to reading tarot cards are hesitant, put off, or even offended when they first receive The Fool card. The term “fool” is associated with ignorance, oblivion, and of course, foolishness. However, those dedicated to learning tarot will soon come to understand that the Fool card is actually a sign of optimism, unexpected surprises, and a welcome new beginning.

This is because the Fool is set to embark upon a new journey. And that journey is represented by the major arcana. The 22 cards of the major arcana are often referred to as “The Fool’s Journey,” with each card being a stage of the long and winding path to spiritual fulfillment.

As card zero, the Fool represents all of us at the beginning of our spiritual paths, with a sense of wonderment and uncertainty for what’s ahead. We are all the Fool, and throughout our lives we will always have more to learn and experience.

When first learning how to read tarot cards, it’s important to remember that The Fool is a reminder to us that we are each on a divine path towards enlightenment, and will never reach a set destination of being ultimately “enlightened.” At any point on our spiritual journeys, we will be put in situations where we are beginners again. In these situations, we must surrender our need to control or know what is next, and simply trust that we are being divinely guided.

Following the Fool, each archetype of the major arcana represents a person, experience, or phase of awakening that the Fool encounters as he searches for meaning. As you learn tarot magick, it will be helpful for you to consider adopting the characteristics of the major arcana cards in order to advance your journey as the Fool.

As you learn each card of the major arcana, think of them as a chapter of your spiritual growth, which you may be asked to revisit at any time. Ask yourself why the Fool needs to experience the energy of this card. What wisdom does this chapter teach the Fool?

If you are brand new to reading tarot cards for yourself, consider applying the “Fool’s Journey” to this New Beginning’s Tarot Spread…

A walk on the path of the Fool's Journey.

Learning to walk the “Fool’s Journey” is the first step for learning how to read tarot cards.

Walking With The Fool When First Learning How To Read Tarot Cards

Knowing the meaning of each major arcana card makes each stage of the Fool’s Journey more understandable. Below is an explanation of each stage of the Fool’s Journey as it relates to the Rider-Waite tarot, the most common deck, and it’s also a good starting place when learning tarot reading.

Note: The Rider-Waite tarot largely reflects a medieval Christian mindset, and it’s a great place to start learning how to read tarot cards. While many find this progression to be quite applicable across cultures, and tarot practitioners are not inherently limited to a particular religion, those who do not resonate with this telling of the Fool’s journey may wish to choose a tarot deck that carries different meanings of the major arcana. There are endless tarot decks to choose from, some with less biblical influence.

The Fool: The Fool is in a state of wonder, ignorance, and optimism. In this card, the Fool is often depicted on the edge of a cliff. This represents the moment before we are plunged deep into the unknown world of mysticism. This is a stage in which we develop our first inkling of spiritual awareness, or the understanding that we can choose to embark on a journey towards finding our purpose. Although he may not know why he is where he is or what he will do next, he develops full faith that the universe will reveal it to him at the perfect time. Thus, his journey begins!

The Magician: The Magician is the first person the Fool meets on his journey. When learning how to read tarot cards, it’s important to understand that The Magician teaches the Fool about manifestation, and manifests each of the four suits (cups, wands, swords and pentacles) into the Fool’s sack. In this stage, the Fool learns that he has the power to use each of the four elements to his advantage, must manage his resources wisely, and that he can manifest abundance as the Magician has.

The High Priestess: The High Priestess is the next person the Fool meets on his journey. The High Priestess reveals to the Fool the power of intuition. The Fool is in awe of her secret knowledge and is confronted with her mysterious allure. In this stage, the Fool is shown the characteristics of tact and taught to trust his intuition when faced with the unknown.

The Empress: The Fool next encounters the Empress, who embodies the feminine aspects of creation. She is often depicted as pregnant in a garden or field of wheat, representing the growth of ideas and planted seeds. From her, the Fool learns compassion, creativity, patience, and the abundance that comes from nurturing one’s ideas.

The Emperor: The Fool then meets the Emperor, who takes care of the practical elements of his abundance with the Empress. Organized and efficient, his Empire runs like a well-oiled machine. The Fool learns from him the importance of efficiency, practicality, delegation, and balancing creative passion with action in the physical realms.

The Hierophant: The Hierophant is the next person to aid the Fool. He is a spiritual leader and a master of religious routine, knowledge, tradition, and history. In this stage, the Fool witnesses the power that comes with spiritual discipline and clear conviction.

The Lovers: As the Fool encounters a romantic interest, he also encounters a fork in the road in the Lovers card. Will he choose to integrate another into his path, or will he continue on his own? Aligning with another means allowing his values, routines, and goals to be influenced, and it is difficult to discern if this will be for better or worse. In this stage the Fool learns about reevaluation, consequence, integration, and values.

A picture of the Fool Card in a Tarot Deck

Learning Tarot Reading: The Fool Card

The Chariot: The Fool next encounters the Chariot, which is driven by the Magician who has now worked his way up to becoming a prince. The Magician’s manifestation has gained him fortune and stature in the material realms, and the horses pulling his chariot are racing rapidly toward further success. He is a welcomed reminder that success is possible, hard work pays off with determination, and that obstacles can be overcome. Here, the Fool learns dedication, commitment, confidence, and faith in his talents.

Strength: In the Strength card, the Fool encounters a woman being approached by a wild lion. As he thinks to save her, she simply places her hands on the lion’s jaw and closes it gently. The lion is tamed by her quiet power, and entranced by her calm nature. In this experience, the Fool learns that there is a time for brute force and a time to allow one’s inner strength to speak for itself. In this stage, the Fool learns that strength and confidence emanate from within.

The Hermit: Next on his journey, the Fool encounters the Hermit, dressed humbly in a worn robe. While he does not think much of the Hermit at first, the Hermit reveals immense wisdom and deeper understanding of the universe, acquired by a long period of soul-searching. Here, the Fool learns a valuable lesson in seeing each person he encounters as a teacher. He is also inspired to look deeper within himself, and finds the value of looking within to find true meaning as opposed to only seeking material wealth, public accolades, or external relationships that do not align with his core values.

The Wheel of Fortune: As he is shown by the Hermit how little he truly knows, the Fool is now re-evaluating his priorities, and once again feels that he is at the beginning of his journey. The Wheel of Fortune represents a period of time in which the Fool feels subjected to the whims of the universe and learns that while he does have free will, he does not have control as he once thought. This stage represents the cyclical nature of spiritual growth, a humbling period, and a need to surrender to change. It also represents a need to integrate this change knowing that it is for his highest good, and that the universe is working with him as opposed to against him.

Tarot cards spread out on a table...

Discover The Meaning Of Tarot Cards

Justice: Following this humbling, the Fool is now forced to see the truth of his whole being, acknowledging his potential, his ignorance, his capabilities, his faults, and his ambitions. Seeing this whole picture, he is now asked to accept the consequences of his past mistakes to move forward with clarity, balance, and accountability by facing a judge in the Justice card. While some truths may be harsh, the Fool learns what he needs to in order to move forward with realism.

The Hanged Man: In the Hanged Man, we see the Fool depicted hanging upside down, representing his changed perspective. His ability to look at things from a new angle leads him to spend time reflecting before taking his next action. In this stage the Fool integrates the lessons he learned from Justice and allows a pause in action in order to fully grasp the situation at hand.

Death: Counterintuitively, the Death card does not represent the Fool’s physical death. After the reflection he has done, the Fool is ready to shed his old habits and transform into a more realized and aware version of himself. He is able to put to death old ideas, roles, and identities which won’t serve him on the next leg of his journey. In this stage, the Fool learns about transformation, rebirth, pressure, adaptation, loss, and flexibility.

Temperance: The next stop on your journey for learning how to read tarot cards, is temperance.  Following this transformation, the Fool is clear-minded about the purpose of the lessons he has learned and can continue his journey with faith in the divine support he’s receiving. Although this rebirth was difficult, enduring transformation for his highest good has renewed both his faith and his discipline in the material realms. In this card, we often see an angel (often regarded as archangel Michael) mixing two liquids together. This represents the Fool’s newfound power of blending spirituality and practicality, sacrifice with abundance, and faith during hardship. In this stage, the Fool also realizes that he can call on angelic support to help him cleanse his ego and stay committed to his new values.

The Devil: Though renewed and empowered once more, the Fool encounters the Devil next – outside influences that attempt to disempower him. This stage is a reminder that there will always be temptation for the ego, and that bad habits may cause him to regress if uncontrolled. This card often depicts a devil who has enslaved two people, but if you look closely, you will notice that their chains are loose enough to be removed at will. This symbolizes the Fool’s need to love himself over his temptations.

The Tower: In addition to the temptation of self betrayal, the Tower card brings upon the Fool a series of tragic misfortunes. In this stage, the Fool feels as though his foundations are being uprooted, and all his stability is compromised. This card depicts a giant tower, representing the Fool’s ideas of security, being struck down by lightning. The Fool suffers from spiritual desolation as he experiences loss and turmoil, and cannot see a way forward. This period, which some mystics and Catholics refer to as a “dark night of the soul” tests the Fool’s faith in every way.

The Star: As the dust of the Tower’s destruction clears, the North Star emerges, instilling within the Fool a glimmer of hope. As he looks up at the stars, he is reminded that he is connected to something greater than his perceived experiences. He enters a period of calm and serenity in which he is able to heal from the pains he has experienced. Although some hits have been taken, the Fool’s faith is fortified and he will continue his journey with acceptance that he is divinely guided. From this point on, he will always be able to find resolution in his spirituality when life is difficult.

The Moon: As he processes all he has learned and experienced, the Fool spends a period of time meditating and reflecting. This brings to the surface many of the doubts and worries he has been carrying, and he is able to process them by releasing fear. As he learns more about himself through this introspection, he becomes aware of what his intuition feels like. His psychic abilities are awakened, and he learns to let go of the fear of the unknown.

Image of the moon as it relates to tarot reading

The Fool Meets The Moon On The Fool’s Journey

The Sun: As this card often depicts a small child on a horse, the Fool feels childlike joy and momentum once more. The Sun uplifts and re-energizes the Fool, allowing him to feel optimistic and take action towards his new ideas. With his psychic abilities, strength, and faith enhanced, he is ready to go after his manifestations with newfound determination. In this stage, the Fool experiences gratitude, happiness, playfulness, celebration, and excitement.

Judgment: In the Judgment card, Spirit asks the Fool to consider his journey thus far, as he will be tested to see if his desires are in alignment with his soul’s needs. During this phase, the Fool asks himself where he really wants to spend his energy. He is aware that he has an opportunity to defy his past circumstances and is asked by his angels to consider carefully the direction in which he wants to grow.

The World: Having taken his angel’s advice with discernment, the Fool feels a sense of co-creation with the divine. He feels a sense of alignment, and he is sure that he is on a path that is fulfilling and worthwhile. In this phase, the Fool experiences completion, wholeness, oneness, and connection to pure love. He also becomes aware of the cyclical nature of the human experience and sees the bigger picture of the divine order of things.

Overall, understanding the story of the Fool’s Journey can help us remember the lessons of the tarot and see how the meaning of each tarot card relates to our experiences as we travel along our own spiritual paths.

As you create your own path by learning how to read tarot cards, you may wish to meditate on the major arcana. Pathworking, a form of meditation in which you visualize stepping into a particular setting such as one of the major arcana and explore the world within the card. In this video, I explain the concept of pathworking, how it can aid your spiritual journey, and how it is practiced.

Pathworking is a skill that relies heavily on visualization and imagination, so if you need some help with that before attempting pathworking, you can check out my visualization hack video here…

Closing The Circle On This Lesson For Learning Tarot Card Reading

Remember that the Fool’s Journey isn’t linear. No matter how much we learn, there is always value and new insight to be gained by revisiting a phase of our spiritual path, either through reflection on the tarot, direct experience in the physical realms, or through pathworking meditation. Regardless of one’s experiences, we are all the Fool in one way or another, and relating the major arcana to your personal experiences can help you learn how to read tarot cards and gain an enriched understanding of the meaning of the cards and how they apply to your personal journey.

I’m wishing you all the best in your spiritual endeavors. May you use tarot magick to learn more about yourself, the tarot, and the divine!

With Love and Gratitude,

Galena Stormrider

The post How To Read Tarot Cards: The Fool’s Journey appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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How To Become A Master Of Divination Witchcraft Mon, 24 Jan 2022 17:51:50 +0000 If you are new to divinatory magick, figuring out which type of divination witchcraft is right for you can be a bit overwhelming. From abacomancy (salt or dust interpretation) to zoomancy (the interpretation of animal behaviors), the potential methods of divination are nearly endless. However, if you are drawn to divination, it is likely that […]

The post How To Become A Master Of Divination Witchcraft appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

If you are new to divinatory magick, figuring out which type of divination witchcraft is right for you can be a bit overwhelming. From abacomancy (salt or dust interpretation) to zoomancy (the interpretation of animal behaviors), the potential methods of divination are nearly endless. However, if you are drawn to divination, it is likely that you are already at least somewhat intune with one or more of your extrasensory abilities. Now all you need to do is choose a divinatory practice that appeals to your strongest “sense” and your personal learning style. Once you do that you can start developing your natural gifts!

How To Choose The Right Divination Tools For You

To help you identify your strongest sense, and the best divination tools for you, read through the different learning styles and identify which one resonates most strongly with you.

Crystal ball divinations are just one of many types.

Crystal ball divinations are just one of many types.

Visual Learning Style

If you have a visual learning style, or have intuitive ideas in response to vivid imagery, choose a divination method that triggers visions within your mind’s eye. You are likely to experience clairvoyance (psychic sight), in which you experience visions. Engaging in visual forms of divination may also lead you to experiencing other forms of psychic ability. Witches with this learning style are most likely to learn and remember information best by seeing someone demonstrate or perform an action. You probably love learning from other witches through videos!

You are naturally gifted at interpreting divine messages through pictures. In this case, tarot and oracle cards would likely appeal strongly to your visual senses, as they are a creative and colorful tool, rich with pictorial symbolism.

You may also be talented at automatic drawing, a method of divination that involves channeling divine messages while drawing or interpreting art created by the subconscious.

As a visual witch you may also have a knack for scrying or fortune telling, with crystal balls, mirrors, tea leaves, or incense smoke. The interpretation of tea leaves is called Tasseomancy, and you may look into buying special cups with charts on them that are made specially for interpretation. This may appeal to visual types because you have vivid imaginations, and with practice will see many images when looking into these tools.

Smoke from incense can form images you can interpret.

Incense smoke can be interpreted for divination purposes.

Auditory Learning Style

If you have an auditory learning style, you are sensitive to sound. You process events in your life through music, or remember important information more clearly if it is told to you, as opposed to reading it. Witches with this learning style are likely to experience clairaudience, or psychic hearing.

Shufflemancy, a form of divination in which one interprets a song chosen from a playlist on shuffle mode, may appeal to your auditory senses. When using this method, it can be helpful to choose a number with spiritual significance to you or the person you are channeling for, and press the skip button that number of times. When performing shufflemancy, you can interpret the lyrics within the context of the situation you’re assessing.

You may also experience ringing in the ears or a sensitivity to certain tones and frequencies. Meditating to binaural beats or sound baths may provide you with many psychic messages. Playing songs while performing other divination forms can add bonus clarification to your channeling. Try using tools such as bells or sound bowls to trigger your psychic skills.

Divination by sound in general is known as alveromancy. Tap into your intuition and ask what a particular sound is making you feel or think. Alveromancy may trigger other psychic experiences outside of the auditory. As a rule of thumb, trust your first thought!

Kinesthetic Learning Style

If you learn by action or movement, you likely have a kinesthetic learning style. Witches with this learning style often learn by “doing” as opposed to watching. Kinesthetic learners are likely to experience clairsentience, or psychic feeling.

While channeling, you may physically embody outside knowledge. For example, your body may take on the feelings and experiences of those you’re divining about. These learning types must be careful to protect themselves from experiencing physical ailments or negative emotions of others, especially if they are particularly empathic!

As a kinesthetic witch you will likely favor divination tools that allow you to connect with divine messages through action. Rolling dice, also known as astragalomancy, may be particularly satisfying to you. It can be helpful to buy dice with special symbols or astrological signs on them, as well as mats made to roll on top of as pictured here.

Divination dice.

Dice can also be used in more intricated witchcraft divinations.

You may also receive many psychic messages through meditative yoga or exercise. Some mediums channel messages on the treadmill, because movement can occupy the conscious mind and allow divine knowledge to flow!

Writing and Reading Learning Style

If you learn best by reading text or taking notes, you probably have a reading and writing learning style! As you may have guessed, witches who benefit from this learning style are often talented with automatic writing. Writing, doodling, and scribbling may help you receive divine messages through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, or claircognizance (psychic knowing). The product of your writings may reveal psychic messages as well, literally or figuratively.

Witches with this learning style may also enjoy bibliomancy. Bibliomancy is a form of divination in which you flip to a “random” page or passage of a book. That passage is then interpreted as the answer to your question, or as extra insight and clarification into the situation you’re assessing.

When interpreting any sort of writing, look to keywords and phrases that “stick out” intuitively, as well as symbolism occurring in the writing. You may be called to consider the larger context of the entire book or chapter, but it is not always necessary. Your first understanding is usually the correct one in matters of divination!

How To Choose Divination Tools

Regardless of your learning style or sensory strengths, it’s important to choose the divination tools you are most drawn to intuitively. Some other methods are interpreting the numbers of dice, studying the directions of a pendulum’s swing, or throwing bones or cinnamon sticks and interpreting the placement of their landing positions. “Bones” may include literal bones or refer to lots of random charms collected over time.

Experiment with different tools until you find the ones that work best for you. Sometimes, we purchase a tool with high hopes, but do not end up really connecting with it. This is a natural part of the process as you figure out what works with you practically, spiritually, and emotionally. Be patient, give each method time before giving up, and remember that there are an endless amount of divination forms to try on! One of my favorite, affordable tools for divination is a reflective surface of any sort. In this video, I explain the concept of scrying and how you can do this with a bowl of water!

How To Create A Powerful Divination Space (A Divination Altar)

In order to prepare your mind for divination, it can be helpful to create a special place to practice your art. Having a divination altar can boost your psychic abilities!

There are many different options for divination altars and you can make it work for the space you have and your lifestyle. You can use a section of your main working altar, or create a separate altar specifically for divination. You can also set up a temporary space that can be packed away when not in use, on a desk or kitchen table for example. It is totally up to you to decide what makes you feel ready to practice divinatory magick and use your divination tools.

At your divination altar, you might like to include all five of the elements (earth, air, fire, water and spirit) to aid in your practice. Think about what will help you set the mood in order to divine effectively and bring you into a clear, receptive mindspace. Think about the lighting, candles, essential oils, crystals, or talismans that help you feel powerful.

You can bring your magickal tools to your divination altar in order to further empower it too. A simple crystal grid for psychic receptivity is a fine addition to your space, boosting your skills and giving your divination tools extra power. Consider crystals such as Amethyst, Azurite, Angelite, or Nuummite to enhance your psychic abilities. Remember to charge the crystals with each full moon, as this will allow them to carry the intuitive influence of the moon to amplify your divination station.

Your altar may also include items that help you connect to your ancestors, familiars, or spirit guides, such as family heirlooms. Divination tools that are gifted or inherited from ancestors or loved ones are considered to be extra powerful.

You may choose to bless this sacred space through a dedication or consecration ritual, where you declare what the space is intended for, and thank it for serving that purpose. Asking your guides to bless the space and leaving them an offering, such as a glass of water, can ensure your divination is supported by the spiritual realms.

In order to keep this space prime for divination, keep it clean physically as well as energetically. Use things like, cleansing incenses, or Florida water. This will be especially important to do routinely, as divination brings forth many different spirits, energies, and entities that need to be removed for accurate and uninhibited channeling.

In order to protect this space from negative energies, keep a piece of amber or burn frankincense to create a psychic force field from lower entities.

Amber for divination altar protection.

Use a bit of amber to protect your divination altar during your reading.

Now Practice, Practice, Practice!

In order to become a pro at divination, you must also practice, practice, practice! The best way to do this is to build a habit of divination into your spiritual routine. For example, some practitioners pull a tarot card for themselves each morning, or at the start of each week or month. You can replace the tarot card with any other form of divination.

Many witches choose to journal about the message they receive, and then continue to reflect on it intuitively for deeper understanding. Adding this practice to your routine can enhance your abilities and help you remember messages you’ve interpreted before.

It may benefit you to perform an annual “year ahead” divination, to intuit what you may experience in the upcoming year. In this video, I explain how to perform a year-ahead divination using tarot cards, oracles, or other forms of divination.

Top Divination Magick Tips

Find communities that share your passion either online or in your local area. When you spend time around people who are better than you at what you do, you will get better faster!
Get your hands on resources. There are lots of books, courses and workshops you can join online. Each source and every teacher will have something different to offer… fresh “nuggets” of wisdom.

Some of our favorite books to begin studying with are “Divination: Sacred Tools for Reading the Mind of God” by Paul O’Brien, “The Ultimate Guide to Divination: The Beginners Guide to Using Cards, Crystals, Runes, Palmistry, and More for Insight and Predicting the Future” by Liz Dean, and “The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot: Your Complete Guide to Understanding the Tarot” by Skye Alexander.

“Medium” is a card-game meant to strengthen your intuition with friends. Made by Greater Than Games publishing, this fun game allows you to test your psychic abilities and connect with others. It can be found at Walmart, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon!

There will be loads more information on the topic of divination available through the SMM blog and other social media platforms both this month and in future. Make sure to check back often for exposure to more tips, tricks, and topics!

Closing The Divination Witchcraft Circle

Remember that becoming a seasoned diviner is a journey, not a race! Be consistent, open-minded, and patient, and divination will become more natural to you over time. Lastly, remember that everyone is capable of divination. Even if some people are more naturally in touch with their gifts, we can all become skilled with practice! I’m wishing you all the best in your journeys to higher wisdom.

~ Galena Stormrider

The post How To Become A Master Of Divination Witchcraft appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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Beginner Witchcraft Spells And Rituals For The New Year Fri, 14 Jan 2022 17:58:25 +0000 The New Year is buzzing with Magick, as this really is the year to dream your biggest Magickal Dreams yet with these beginner witchcraft spells and rituals for the new year! If you are ready to make this the best year of your life with these simple witchy spells and rituals, get ready to dig […]

The post Beginner Witchcraft Spells And Rituals For The New Year appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

The New Year is buzzing with Magick, as this really is the year to dream your biggest Magickal Dreams yet with these beginner witchcraft spells and rituals for the new year! If you are ready to make this the best year of your life with these simple witchy spells and rituals, get ready to dig in.

I’m going to show you how to get clear on what you wish to manifest, how to release the old and make way for the new, and how to harness magick to make your dreams come true in in the new year!

First Step For Witchcraft Beginners: Set Your Intention To Your Heart’s Desire

As with all magick, the most important “ingredient” is your focused intent. What is your intention for the new year?

What would you love to create in your life? Think of your focus like a magic wand, whatever direction you point it in, an alchemical reaction occurs, creating change in the physical world. In many ways, your wand is but a symbol of your mind’s focus.

Like a straight line extending from your hand into a point, your focus forms a straight line from your mind into the world of matter. When your focus is combined with your intent for change, that’s when the world around you shifts and transforms to reflect your intention.

If you aren’t quite sure what your dreams are for this year, don’t worry, there are many simple techniques you can try to help you to get clear on your heart’s desires – and I’m going to go over a few beginner witchcraft “witchy spells” an ways to do this.

1. Beginner Witchcraft New Year Spell Prep: What Lights You Up?

My favorite way to figure out my desires is to explore what lights me up.

To do this, simply take some time to journal out everything you can think of that brings you joy, makes your heart sing and simply lights you up.

What experiences give you a boost of energy when you imagine them? Whether you have experienced them before, or have a wish to, make a list and write out every single thing you can think of gives you a boost of joy when you imagine being, doing or having the experience.

This step is a Magickal Key, especially if you are a beginner in witchcraft. 

Your list should be a combination of tiny things to grand things. Don’t question or second guess yourself, and don’t be concerned with how the experience would even be possible, just let your list of what lights you up flow freely onto your paper.

For instance, my list includes everything from the simple pleasures of drinking a morning cup of coffee, watching moonlight dance on a body of water, to enjoying a first class ticket on an international flight to Amsterdam, to playing music on stage to a crowd of 10,000 people.

Let your imagination run wild, and write out in detail every single experience you can think of that lights you up and gives you a feeling of pleasure, joy, levity and excitement!

Once you have listed about twenty or so things that light you up, take a look over your list, and notice if there are any that especially stand out and make your heart sing. Take a look at the stand out experiences, and circle five or so of them that you would like to bring into the new year.

Once you have your top five, notice if there are any connecting themes to them, or if they give you any additional clarity into your heart’s true desires for the year. Even if the experiences seem too grand or impossible, let yourself dream big enough to have them…

Nothing is off limits in this very powerful year ahead! Let your desires bring out the best in you for a truly Magickal new year!

Celebrate the New Year with simple, beginner witchcraft spells and rituals.

Ring in the New Year with simple beginner witchcraft spells and rituals to make this the best year ever…

2. Beginner Witchcraft New Year Spell Prep: Who Are You Jealous Of?

I’ve learned to love the experience of jealousy – yes, you read that right, jealousy.

I realized not so long ago that when I find myself jealous or envious of someone else, that my jealousy is pointing a direct flashlight onto my own heart’s desires.

How wonderful to know that I want a certain experience, as that desire is what causes the intention within me, that with focus, brings the experience into my own reality… and into my witchy spells and rituals!

When you realize there is no lack in this Universe, and that you too can have an experience that someone else is having, jealousy becomes very short lived and rather juicy!

Make a list of everyone you have been a bit jealous or envious of lately. What did they have or experience that you wish you could also have ? Write out each experience that you now know you desire to have. In your own mind, thank each person for giving you the clarity into your own heart’s true desires!

3. Beginner Witchcraft New Year Spell Prep: Ask Your Heart.

A very simple technique I use to get clarity is to ask my heart what the truth is.

To do this, close your eyes and pull all of your focus to your heart center. Try to drop out of your head and completely into your heart. You can even put your hand on your heart to help direct your energy.

Quiet your mind and breathe a few deep breaths.

Ask your heart to show you what it is you truly desire to manifest this year. Let your heart give you the answer.

The answer could appear as a vision, or a simple knowing. Let the truth come to you, through your heart’s wisdom. More than one desire may come to you, and that is completely fine. Write down whatever your heart guides you to manifest this year.

Witchcraft For Beginners: A New Year, A New You Release Ritual

Before you can work your magick to manifest your dreams for the new year, it is important to energetically cleanse and release last year. Try any of the following new year’s  release rituals to cleanse and clear away any negative or heavy energy from the past, so that this year is a fresh new start.

New Year Release Ritual #1

To do this simple ritual for release you will need:

  • A Black candle
  • A Carving Tool
  • A Bay Leaf
  • A Fire Safe Dish
  • A Marker or Pen

The steps to take:

STEP #1: On a bay leaf, write out what you are releasing from 2021. Feel with all of your heart how you are letting this go, and how it can not enter into your experience in this new year.

STEP #2: Think of a symbol that represents what you are letting go of. It could be a letter, initials, or a shape you create. Carve that symbol into your candle.

STEP #3: Light your candle. As you do say, “I release all that no longer serves me. I cleanse away (name what you are letting go of) and release it from me forever. I now go free. So mote it be!”

STEP #4: Carefully burn your bay leaf in the candle’s flame and drop it into your fire safe bowl.

STEP #5: Let the burning bay leaf and the candle burn completely out, as you feel the relief of full release wash over you. It is done!

New Year Release Ritual #2: Take a New Year Ritual Bath

This is perfect for the witchcraft beginner, because it’s super simple.

Take a bath and incorporate healing herbs such as lavender, rose or eucalyptus into your water.

Add sea salt into your bath water for energy cleansing. Light a candle and fully relax in your fragrant herbal bath. Let any stress or negativity go from your body and energy field into your healing water.

When you are done, drain your bath water as you normally would.

This time, as the water drains, imagine all of the stress and negative energy of the previous year releasing and leaving your life, going down the drain with the water. Say out loud,

“I release the past year, and I let go. So mote it be!”

New Year Release Ritual #3: Clean And Clear Clutter

By letting go of the old, we make room for the new. A powerful way to release the old is to throw out any clutter in your home.

At the start of this new year, go through your home, clean it and let go of anything that you no longer use. When we release clutter, we clear the energy of our home, and this allows new energy in. I am a believer in the ancient art of Feng Shui, and it teaches that our homes are an outer reflection of our inner state.

When our surroundings are clutter free, the energy of our home feels clear and healthy, which creates a state of clarity and health within. Having clarity and vibrancy within increases our ability to attract wealth, health and joy into our lives.

Manifest with Beginner Witchcraft Magick

Now that you have cleansed away any negative residual energy from last year, and gotten clear on what you want to manifest this year, it’s time to work with magick to help make your dreams come true!

There are so many fun and simple magickal ways to manifest your heart’s desire in the new year. Try any or all of the following beginner witchcraft Magickal tips that resonate with you!

New Year Witchcraft For Beginners Ritual #1: Create a Dreams Come True Sachet

A magickal sachet is a small bag or pouch filled with items such as herbs, crystals, and charms that are used together to enhance your intended energy. The more meaningful components and intentional energy you’re able to put into your sachet, the more powerful it becomes!

You can carry your dream sachet in your purse, place it on your altar, hang it on your wall, or even sleep with it under your pillow. By crafting and then charging your dream sachet, you help to magnetically attract your desires and wishes for the new year to you!

What you will need:

  • A small bag or pouch
  • A piece of string
  • A small crystal, stone or meaningful charm
  • A lucky penny (A penny symbolizes good luck and works great in a dream sachet! Pennies are thought to be especially lucky if you find one on the ground, but you can also use one you have in your wallet.)

STEP #1: Write out your desire in an affirmative statement on a small piece of paper and place it in your bag.

For example you might write,

“I am joyously experiencing (name your desire) in the new year.”

STEP #2: Place a variety of herbs for luck into your sachet.

The following herbs are thought to especially enhance good luck:

  • Basil
  • Chamomile
  • Cinnamon
  • Clover
  • Dandelion
  • Frankincense
  • Irish Moss
  • Mint
  • Peppermint
  • Rose Hips
  • Rosemary
  • Sandalwood
  • Star Anise
  • Thyme

Witchy Spell Tip:  Using any combination of the above in your sachet works great. If you don’t have any of these herbs on hand, you could tear open a pack of chamomile tea—or grab some basil or cinnamon from the grocery store—any of the herbs listed above that resonate with you are great to add inside your sachet.

STEP #3: Light a candle. Set an intention in your mind to invite in your loving and helpful spirit guides. Quietly ask them to open your heart to receive your good in 2022. Feel the gratitude for them already coming in to bless your sachet spell and help guide you to lucky opportunities to manifest your dream and more in 2022.

STEP #4: Meditate on yourself having your dreams and more come true in 2022. I can’t stress this enough—by visualizing yourself as already having that which you desire, you magnetize your desire to you. Try to feel the feelings of how you would feel after the spell actually took effect.Try to see yourself in your desired future outcome, as if it were your present reality. Feel in your heart how good it feels to have your wish come true in 2022.

STEP #5: Take your pouch and place it in the center of your table space. Keep feeling the blessings you are wanting to draw in as if they are already in your life. This will prep the sachet to receive your intention for 2022.

STEP #6: Hold your herbs in your palms and gaze upon them. Run your fingers through them, breathing in their lovely aroma. Feel yourself being super lucky, free, joyous, blessed, and happy in 2022. Place them in the sachet.

STEP #7: Pick up your crystal or charm. Picture yourself wildly lucky, abundant, prosperous, and joyous. Picture your dream coming true. Place it in the sachet.

STEP #8: Hold the penny in your hands. The copper in the coin is attractive and will draw energy to your sachet. Imagine yourself so lucky that your wish and even more comes effortlessly to you. Place it in the sachet.

STEP #9: Add your written affirmation into your sachet. As you do, say out loud, “So Mote It Be”.

STEP #10: Tie your pouch closed with your string.

STEP #11: Say the following incantation over your finished sachet: “May my dreams come true in 2022! So Mote It Be!”

Your Dream Sachet is complete! Carry it with you in your purse, sleep with it under your pillow, or place it wherever you most prefer. When you feel as though you need a boost, hold it in your hands and feel it’s powerful energy magnetically drawing your desires for 2022 into your life.

New Year Witchcraft For Beginners Ritual #2: Craft A Vision Board

New year spell to manifest your dreams.

This new year manifestation spell creates a dream satchet.

Gather pictures from magazines, or print pictures directly from the internet with images of experiences or things you would love to manifest in the new year.

Turn your vision board crafting into a sacred ritual by lighting a candle, and setting an intention to manifest everything you have cut out, or something even better, in the new year. Glue all of your images onto your board.

You can also cut out inspired words, or add glitter to you finished product. Hang your vision board or keep it somewhere sacred to you.

The focus and clarity you get from cutting out and forming a variety of photos onto your board works as a powerful magnet to draw those experiences to you, often in the most Magickal of ways!

Another wonderful way to use pictures to manifest your dreams, is to create a Vision Box. Have a look at the video below for step by step guidance on how to make your own beginning witchcraft magical vision box for the new year…

New Year Witchcraft For Beginners Ritual #3: Make A New Year’s Spell Jar

Crafting a Spell Jar is a powerful way to manifest your desires, and it’s a beginner witchcraft technique, so it’s very simple to do!

All you have to do is gather a glass jar with a lid, and fill it with the following magickal ingredients:

  • Dandelion ( to assist in your wish coming true)
  • Cinnamon (for success)
  • Sea Salt (for protection)
  • Bay Leaf (for luck)
  • A small crystal such as Citrine or Quartz (to amplify manifestation)

As you fill your jar, supercharge each ingredient with your intention for the New Year. Seal your jar with candle wax when you are done. Place your jar on your altar to act as a powerful magnet for your wishes!

New Year Witchcraft For Beginners Ritual #4: Create Dreams Come True Oil

A wonderful way to supercharge your dreams for 2022 and beyond is to create your own Dreams Come True Oil! Have a look at the video below for step by step guidance on how to create your own magical manifesting oil!

Beginner Witchcraft Tips For Strengthening Your “Manifestation Power”

Sometimes, you can know what you want to manifest, and how to perform magickal techniques for manifestation, but still feel discouraged in the whole process.

Trust me, I have been there many times. Sometimes, you want something so bad, and do so many spells, but your desire seems to never come about.

When you have experienced disheartening results, it is really easy to throw in the towel, and become a passive observer of life happening to you.

Whenever I get into a state of discouragement, I try to remember that looking back, something even better than my original desire eventually did manifest for me in time. I try to remember all of the times that things I wished for actually did come true, and that I am a powerful co- creator with the Universe.

I have come to realize that the Universe simply understands the bigger picture, and that I must trust in the timing and the guidance I am given. I remember to “brush up” on my manifesting skills, and to return to my connection to magick within.

If you have ever felt less-than- stellar about your manifesting ability, do not be discouraged, as there are many simple strategies to vastly improve your manifesting skills!

Magickal spell book of shadows, herbs, and stones.

Witchy spells and rituals can manifest your deep desires throughout the new year.

Beginner Witchcraft 101 Manifestation Booster Tip #1: Move from your Head into your Heart.

Manifesting is all about FEELING. The Universe is made of energy, and that which is energetically like itself is drawn together by the powerful Law of Attraction. Our feelings supercharge our energy, making us magnetic.

Many times, we make the mistake of attempting to manifest by holding a visual image of our desire in our mind, but we forget to incorporate our feelings into the process.

Next time you are manifesting, do your best to feel, with all of your heart, the many wonderful emotions you would feel AS IF your dream were already true. Your feeling state will more easily magnetize your desire to you, in it’s glorious and full manifestation!

Beginner Witchcraft 101 Manifestation Booster Tip #2: Let the Universe do the Work for you.

Many times we stifle our ability to manifest because we don’t trust the Universe (which is far more intelligent than we are!) to work the details out on our behalf. We get in our own way by trying to figure out the path to make something happen, which often leads us off into the bushes! When manifesting, remember to turn your intention over to the Universe to work out the details for you. Declare your desire in a spell or through feeling based visualization, and then let it go! Get out of your own way and let the Universe deliver your wish to you in perfect, divinely magical timing!

Beginner Witchcraft 101 Manifestation Booster Tip #3: Seek Happiness.

Have you ever noticed that wonderful manifestations seem to come effortlessly to you when you are feeling really happy? Next time an opportunity comes to you, seemingly from out of the blue sky, take notice of your dominant mood in the days leading up to your seeming luck.

I am willing to bet that you were predominantly in a happy feeling state!

Something magical happens when we feel happy that clears the way for the Universe to bring us what we desire. When the clouds part in your mind, the clouds part in the sky above you, and magic comes beaming in like the sun.

When you take time each day to focus on what brings you joy, your energy rises to a state where you are an energetic match to your desires, which allows the Universe to easily bring them to you!

Happiness aligns you with all of the good the Universe has lined up for you, and is the easiest way to manifest, as you don’t even have to try!

Beginner Witchcraft 101 Manifestation Booster Tip #4: Raise Your Vibration.

The most powerful way to increase your manifesting power is to raise your vibration. Your vibration is the measurable frequency that you emit, which is primarily the result of the way you feel.

When you raise your vibration, the quality of your life increases in so many ways. You feel happier, healthier and more peaceful. Your intuition is enhanced, which benefits your spell work and truly supercharges your manifestation abilities.

Manifestation works by shifting the energy with you, so that you become a magnet to what you desire. The trick is to realize that we draw to ourselves not what we want, we draw to ourselves more of what we already are.

This is why every spell, ritual or magickal practice aims to shift your inner energy away from a state of lack, to a state of being expectant that what you desire is already on it’s way to you. When you shift your inner state away from a feeling of not having what you want, to a feeling of being completely content and lacking nothing, that is when you become a magnet to your desires.

So when you raise your vibration, you naturally draw to you your heart’s desires, because you are primarily in a feeling state of peacefulness, abundance and gratitude.

Witchy Spell Practices to Raise Your Vibe

Raising your vibration to a higher frequency can happen relatively quickly, and there are so many wonderful ways to do it. By doing even one of the following practices every day, you will begin to notice a major shift in your happiness and energy level.

Witchy Spell “Raise Your Vibe” Tip #1: Get into Nature.

Nature is healing because it is vibrating at the highest level of anything on earth. Nature is beautiful and its benefits are immeasurable. As often as possible, take a walk in nature and immerse yourself in its pure energy.

If you don’t live close to nature, find a tree to put your hands onto. Let the energy of the tree heal and lift your own energy. Stand on a patch of grass with bare feet and ground your energy in the dirt. The high vibration of the earth will lift your own.

Witchy Spell “Raise Your Vibe” Tip #2: Cleanse and Clear Negative Energy.

A wonderful way to raise your vibration is to clear any negative energy from your home and your auric field with smoke.

Use a smudge stick made of sage or other high vibrational herbs, such as rosemary, to cleanse the energy around you.

The smoke from sage or rosemary removes negative energy and replaces it with a higher vibrational energy. You can really feel the difference in a room after you have cleared it with a smudge stick or incense. The air feels lighter, because it is!

Witchy Spell “Raise Your Vibe” Tip #3: Laugh.

Nothing feels as good as laughing. Practice laughing as much as possible everyday, and your life will improve in more ways than you can imagine! Laughter is such a wonderful expression of joy. To make laughing a practice, watch or read something everyday that cracks you up.

When you find yourself laughing, let your laugh be loud! Really let it out! Let yourself laugh and find every reason throughout each day to laugh. Humor is the greatest healer, and nothing raises your vibe quite as much as having good laugh!

Witchy Spell “Raise Your Vibe” Tip #4: Be Discerning With Your Attention.

Turn off low vibration programming as much as possible. While it is good to be informed, try to watch as little of the news as possible. The news is completely fear based, and watching too much of it takes your mind and energy into a lowered state.

Also, be very discerning with the shows you watch, especially before bed. Try to limit shows that contain a lot of violence or drama, as these shows will lower your vibration. Try to watch shows that are lighter, intelligent, creative or funnier in content, as they will leave you feeling light hearted and higher in energy after watching them.

Witchy Spell “Raise Your Vibe” Tip #5: Cultivate High Quality Friends.

It has been said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and I think there is truth to that. Try to spend less time with people who drag you down, and more time with people who lift your spirit! The more you give your time and attention to friends and people who feel wonderful to be around, the more you will remain in a higher state of vibration.

Witchy Spell “Raise Your Vibe” Tip #6: Do Something Everyday that Lights You Up.

Reference the list you made of what lights you up, and incorporate at least one of those things into your life every day. The more you focus on the things that light you up, the better each day will be, and the higher your vibration will raise.

Witchy Spell “Raise Your Vibe” Tip #7: Spend Time with Animals.

Animals are so healing and uplifting to be around. By playing with a dog, watching birds, or petting a cat, you naturally relax and feel more joyous. Animals are generally much more present and in tune with nature than we are, and by simply spending quality time with these magnificent creatures, you tune into your own state of presence and your vibration naturally rises.

Witchy Spell “Raise Your Vibe” Tip #8: Work with Crystals.

The vibrational energy of crystals are extremely high. Hold a crystal in your hand for a few minutes every day, sleep with them next to your bed, or wear them as jewelry to lift your vibration. The energetic influence of crystals helps to elevate your own vibrational frequency. Work with Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Tigers Eye, or any crystal that makes you feel uplifted.

Witchy Spell “Raise Your Vibe” Tip #9: Listen to Uplifting Music.

My favorite way to elevate my vibrational frequency is by listening to music. Music that is soothing, inspiring or uplifting instantly lifts my mood and my spirit.

If your energy feels low, try listening to spiritual drumming music, and if you feel inspired, move your body to dance to it! Any kind of music that uplifts and energizes your spirit will work to lift your mood and vibration to new heights!

Beginning witchcraft release ritual: spiritual drumming

A wonderful release ritual would be to do some rhythmic drumming to cleanse and balance your energy.

Raising your vibration takes daily practice and focus. We are human beings and we are so complex, and life can be so hard. Life will always bring challenges, but living in a higher vibrational state means that you change the way you look at these challenges.

When you shift your consciousness and raise your vibration, your challenges become your greatest blessings, because you realize it is through these experiences you learn how to grow into your most magnificent self.

By increasing your vibration, life doesn’t suddenly become challenge free, but it does get easier, and your challenges become…less challenging. By raising your vibe, you become happier, healthier and so much more magickally powerful!

The Magick of A New Year

On a final note, I want to say that I truly believe the new year is going to be extra magickal. There is a feeling in the air, and the big theme of this year will be to dream big!

Dream big, and use these Magickal Tips to manifest those dreams in the new year!

May these beginner spells for witches manifest your dreams in the new year.

In closing, I hope you have the best year of your life so far. You are worthy of all of your heart’s desires and even more. May this year bring out the best in you and the best that life has to offer! May magick, and these beginner witchcraft tips and techniques, light your way throughout this blessed year!

With Love,
Sirena Moon

The post Beginner Witchcraft Spells And Rituals For The New Year appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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Celebrating The Wiccan Yule Holiday Sabbat Fri, 17 Dec 2021 19:36:49 +0000 The Pagan Wicca Yule Sabbat is a time alive with the mystical and brimming with its own special magick. There is a stillness, a quiet that comes with the cold, that takes us inward, and causes us to reflect and remember. The clear crispness of the air nips at our hearts. Its mark is a […]

The post Celebrating The Wiccan Yule Holiday Sabbat appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

The Pagan Wicca Yule Sabbat is a time alive with the mystical and brimming with its own special magick. There is a stillness, a quiet that comes with the cold, that takes us inward, and causes us to reflect and remember. The clear crispness of the air nips at our hearts. Its mark is a bittersweet twang of pain, joy, happiness, peace, surrender, grief and hope.

This is the time of year that some witches celebrate the rebirth of the Great Horned Hunter God, as he returns with the sun. Yule is a witch’s Christmas and is actually where most Christmas traditions come from. A wonderful Wiccan Yule adventure awaits you below, full of folklore, magick, art and crafts, foods and so much more! So let us dive in and celebrate the return of the sun!

What Is The Wiccan Yule Sabbat?

Yule is a celebration that occurs on the Winter Solstice, which occurs around December 19-22, depending on the year and your location. Witches generally celebrate the festival of Yule on whichever day the Winter Solstice falls on each year.

Yule marks the return of the light and the power of the sun. It is the shortest day of the year and the longest night. After the Winter Solstice, the days start to grow longer again, in preparation for spring when the sun will bring new life to the Earth once more! Some witches celebrate this day as the return of the Oak King, who is triumphant over the Holly King, and brings the promise of spring.

wreath to celebrate yule wiccan traditions

Yule traditions make for a very witchy Yule Sabbat.

Origins Of The Pagan Yule Holiday

Most of the traditions that we know as Christmas traditions today were first celebrated as Yule traditions. Yule was originally a Germanic holiday that seems to have originated with the Norse people and their myth about Odin flying through the sky for his yearly Wild Hunt on his great eight-legged horse named Sleipnir.

He was said to do this on the night of the Winter Solstice. Odin is described as an old man with a long white beard (sound familiar?).

Old Yule traditions included children filling their boots with carrots and hay for Sleipnir and leaving them by the chimney, where Odin was said to drop gifts in exchange for their offerings to Sleipnir. To help the Nordic people make their way through the dark and cold months, they would bring clippings of evergreen trees like pine and fir indoors, to remind them of the life, renewal, and hope of spring’s return.

This is where the tradition of Christmas or Yule trees begins. The tradition of hanging mistletoe goes back to the Nordic people as well. Mistletoe was believed to bring in prosperity as well as to ward off evil or malevolent spirits. A Yule log was created and burned, though a piece of it was left to burn in the new year. This special piece brought good fortune for the year to come and staved off illness and injury.

In the years following, Christianity started to gain more prominence. And it is from there that we have the legend of Saint Nick. Saint Nicholas was a Greek Bishop that was said to have had a long white beard and worn red robes. He was a very generous man and gave gifts to children and the poor. He has become the “patron saint” of children, prostitutes and the poor. His day is December 6th, and this day was celebrated long before Christmas even became a Christian holiday. On this day, children would be given gifts in celebration of Saint Nick.

Over thousands of years the images and traditions of Odin and Saint Nick have combined to become the iconic image that we now know as Santa Claus.

Modern Wiccan Yule Traditions And Celebrations

Many modern witches celebrate The Wicca Yule Sabbat by lighting a candle or a Yule log when the sun goes down on the Winter Solstice. The candle or log is kept burning through the night until the next morning when the sun rises again.

Archetypally, Yule time mimics the Heroine’s (Heroes) Journey. The Heroine’s Journey is all about going deep into the underworld, into the dark, submerging into shadow and contemplation. It is a time to be still, to hibernate, and let everything rest.

To align our energy with this natural cycle, we need to honor winter for what it is. This is a time to be less productive and more reflective. It is a time to go inward and find pieces of ourselves that we are ready to shed, to sit with them and grieve them for a while, before the light returns and we are reborn. It is a time to honor the life-death-rebirth cycle.

A wonderful way to honor the Yule Sabbat is to just sit in front of a window, with a warm cup of tea, and reflect on who you have been this last year, and who you will become in the next.

What things do you need to let go of in order to thrive in the coming spring?

The sun’s return is the return of the Divine Masculine. At that time we are reborn out of the dark cave of contemplation. In this way both the Divine Feminine (the Shadows) and the Divine Masculine (light) are honored during the Yule season.

yule herbs and kitchen witchery to celebrate the wiccan yule sabbat

Yule Herbs and kitchen witchery are a great way to celebrate the pagan Yule Holiday

Magickal Correspondence And Meaning Of Pagan Yule Colors

The colors of Christmas are also very much connected to the pagan roots of the Yule Sabbat. With each color having its own powerful meaning.

Red: symbolizes passion/sex, blood, life-force, life-death-rebirth cycle. The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine (or the God and Goddess in witchcraft) dance passionately at this time of year, they make love. Their energy and wisdom is combined at this time. Red is also blood, which is life-force and this time of year celebrates the life-death-rebirth cycle that is intrinsic in all of nature.

Green: symbolizes the evergreens that thrive at this time of year. It reminds us of the growth that we will have when spring returns! Green reminds us of the life that is just under the surface of the snow, waiting to burst forth and exist again.

White: symbolizes innocence, purity and cleansing. Winter takes us to a childlike place of wonder, it cleanses us from the year that has just passed and reminds us of the purity that always lies within our soul. The more stillness we can practice at this time of year, the more we will be able to connect to the authenticity of our soul.

Gold: symbolizes the Horned God, the Oak King, Divine Masculine, and the return of the sun! It is a reminder that the light is returning after the dark and cold days of winter.

Silver: symbolizes the Divine Feminine, who is connected to the lunar cycles, and the beautiful silvery moonlight that seems to reflect clearer and crisper in the winter months. Silver also symbolizes winter Goddesses like Demeter, Yuki-onna, and Freya, among others.

Inviting In The Spirit Of Pagan Yule

Part of the fun and magick of the Wiccan Yule is getting to eat lots of yummy food and drink delicious libations! We get to indulge in more decadence now (after all, we are storing for winter!). The traditional foods of Yule also have their own magickal meanings! Below you will find lots of magickal inspiration and even a few simple recipes to try!

Traditional Food And Drink For The Pagan Yule Sabbat Celebration

Traditional Yule Meats: Ham, turkey, wild game if you have access to it, smoked sausages and meats.

Dried Fruits & Nuts: Before electricity and refrigerators, people had to figure out how to store food to survive the sparse winter months. Dried fruits and nuts provided a healthy way to consume calories. Now, they remind us to be grateful for all that we have during this season.

Jams & Preserves: Fruits and vegetables that were harvested during summer and fall were turned into rations for winter. Eating these foods at Yule is another way to honor all that we have in the winter months.

Root Vegetables & Winter Squash: It’s always good for our bodies to eat what is in season, and root vegetables like parsnips and carrots, and winter squashes like butternut, acorn and kabocha, are great to make warm soups with. They are very hearty and full of essential vitamins and minerals to get you through the winter season.

Traditional Wicca Yule Log & Chocolate/Sweet Treats: Making a Yule Log cake is more popular now than actually burning a Yule log, and of course there are always chocolate and sweet treats at most festivities this time of year. I highly recommend making your own sweet treats.

It’s a fun activity and they can be a lot healthier than store-bought treats. Down below you will find my own delicious chocolate sauce/frosting recipe. Delicious and nutritious!

Eggnog: Eggnog represents rebirth and renewal, and as such celebrates the return of the Oak King bringing back the light. It is also spiced with nutmeg, a spice that corresponds to the Oak King. Eggnog packs a lot of nutrient dense calories (if you make a healthy version of your own) and for our ancestors was a great way to consume calories during the sparse months of the winter.

Spiced Apple Cider: Apple’s are a fall fruit that are eaten throughout the winter. Making spiced apple cider with warming spices like nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger is a great way to enjoy a traditional Yule drink.

Rebecca’s Decadent Yule Chocolate Sauce/Frosting Recipe

After a little trial and error, I have perfected the most decadent homemade fudgy chocolate sauce you will ever try. It is so amazing and so easy to make!

This chocolate sauce is amazing over some fruit, and even works as frosting on paleo brownies! It also goes great with a spoonful of almond butter for a decadent and healthy version of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. My partner also eats it on its own, by the spoonful!

It is made with maple syrup instead of sugar and ethically sourced cocoa powder (single sourced so we know where it came from). You can even add a drop of peppermint oil to make it taste like a minty Yule chocolate!

minty chocolate sauce for your wiccan yule celebrations

Make your own minty chocolate sauce for your wiccan yule celebrations!


  • ½ cup of Navita unsweetened (ethically sourced) coca powder
  • ¾ cups maple syrup
  • 4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp tapioca powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 pinches of sea salt
  • (Optional) 1-2 drops of peppermint oil

Add all of your ingredients into a pot in the order that they are listed above.

Bring to a light boil over a medium-low heat, to activate the tapioca powder.

If you want it thicker, simply add more tapioca powder. Be warned that it takes a little while to thicken, so be patient or you might over do it.

The sauce also thickens after being refrigerated for a while. Keep stirring.

Once it begins boiling, turn the heat off and continue to stir while it thickens.

Viola! Amazing fudgy chocolate sauce that is actually good for you! Store in the fridge and it will become even thicker and more fudgy overnight.

Witch’s Homemade Eggnog And Wiccan Yule Ritual

This recipe is inspired by Paleo Eggnog recipe. I’ve added a few magickal twists to make it extra witchy for Yule!


  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • (optional) ¼ tsp of almond extract
  • 5 tbsp maple syrup (more to taste if you want it sweeter)
  • ¼ tsp of nutmeg
  • ⅛ tsp allspice & clove
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • 4 cups of full fat milk (cow, almond, coconut, etc.) OR add 3 ½ cups of any full fat milk, then add ½ cup of heavy cream.
  • (optional) 1 drop of peppermint oil
yule eggnog for Magickal wicca yule rituals

Make this Magickal Yule drinks to enjoy or use in wiccan yule rituals…

Add in your egg yolks, vanilla, (optional almond extract), maple syrup, nutmeg, allspice, clove and cinnamon into a blender and mix thoroughly.

Add your milk and a drop or two of peppermint oil (optional) and blend again until thick and frothy. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

To craft your eggnog into a Yule spell, add intention to each of your ingredients as you place them in the blender…

When you add the egg yolks call in rebirth and fertility to your life (in all ways, prosperity, love, joy, etc. whatever it is you desire).

For vanilla extract, call in the romance and sensuality.

For almond extract, call in prosperity for the year to come and beauty for this current season.

For maple syrup, call in longevity for the darker season, and balance within yourself.

For nutmeg, allspice & clove call in health, luck, prosperity, healing and protection for the season.

For cinnamon, call in the warmth of the season to surround you in love, joy and connection and also physical warmth to keep you warm though the long winter nights.

For milk, call in the nourishment to help sustain you through the season.

And finally when you add peppermint oil, call in money and prosperity.

As you blend, blend with the intention of drinking in all that you have called in, infusing your whole being with the Spirit of Yule!

Wicca Yule: Witchy Activities & Crafts

The best parts of Yule are the fun festivities that we get to share with our loved ones or our witchy clan! A lot of Christmas festivities are derived from Pagan Yuletide, so many of these traditional activities may sound familiar to you.

Wiccan Yule Divination/Reflections Journal: Since this time of year is all about inward reflection and connection, it’s a great time to connect to your spirit guides. You can do this with a tarot or oracle deck. Divination adds magickal work to your Yule season, truly making it a witch’s Christmas.

You can ask these three Yule inspired questions and journal on your answers:

  1. What wisdom have I gained throughout this past year?
  2. What lessons am I learning this winter season?
  3. Hope: what will arrive in my life in the year to come?

Caroling: Children used to go singing door to door in exchange for treats and small gifts. This time of year has always been about giving what we can to others, and celebrating the childlike spirit.

DIY Wreaths: Make a wreath with pine and or fir clippings, mistletoe and holly and hang it from your front door. This is a great way to magickally protect your space. It is also a reminder of hope and everlasting life to come. Craft your own Yule wreath and weave in magickal intentions as you create it!

Gathering With Family & Friends: Connecting with those that we love has always been a tradition at this time of year. And sharing what we have, only creates more abundance.

Playing games, watching movies all night, making arts and crafts together, and sitting by the Yule log as we dream of better tomorrows for the New Year, is a great way to celebrate The Wiccan Yule Sabbat.

Cuddle Up By The Fire With A Cup Of Tea & A Good Book: To honor the cycle of this time of year, we can slow down more. Winter asks us to go inward and slow down our fast paced rhythms of summer. What better way to do that than to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea and just let the world melt away as we are immersed in another world?

picture of a wiccan yule fireplace.

Drinking hot tea or cocoa by the fireplace with your journal, is a great way to honor this time of year.

Make Snow Angels: If you live where there is snow, you can go out and ask your angels to come with you. Lay out in the snow and ask them to show you their form as you make a snow angel.

Get up and see if you can see them or any messages or symbols they may be sending to you, in the snow.

Listen To Wiccan Yule Music: There is actually Yule inspired music that is different from the traditional Christmas music.

You can find a lot of Yule inspired music on YouTube, and Loreena McKennitt also has amazing holiday celtic music that is very reminiscent of Yule music.

Gather With Your Coven & Call In The Oak King, Honor the Holly King & Call Upon A Winter Goddess: If you have a coven you can do a ceremony where you honor the passing and “death” of the Holly King (who joins us during the Summer Solstice) and the return of the Oak King, who brings back the light. You can also celebrate winter Goddesses like Demeter, Freyja, and Gaia.

You can honor them by honoring the dark winter and earthy Goddess that lives inside of you and by calling them in to be welcome at your gathering.

Ring Bells & Call On The Elves: Ringing bells was said to chase away the evil spirits back into the darkness. Calling on elves to surround and protect your space also keeps the evil spirits at bay during this time of year. They are special protector spirits of the Wicca Yule season.

DIY Decorations For Your Yule Tree: Create Wicca Yule decorations with clear Christmas bulbs that you can open and add things into! Add in witchy Yule crystals and gems that resonate with the Yule season like rubies, emeralds, clear quartz, bloodstone, citrine, etc. Add witchy Yule herbs such as pieces of pine, fir, mistletoe and/or holly. You can even paint them on the outside with phrases like “Merry Yule” and “Happy Yuletide!” and “Welcome Oak King” or “Welcome to the Rebirth of the Sun!”, etc. Get creative and string them with red and green twine! You can even add red, green and white feathers, pine cones, the list goes on! These are also known as a Witch’s Ball or a Witch’s Christmas Ball.

Make A Pagan Yule Simmer Pot! Check out this video link to “Kitchen Witchery: Yule Simmer Pot Magick” to be a kitchen witch during the Yule season without anyone even knowing that you are practicing your craft!

Release some lovely Yule magick into the air and conjure the mood for Yule with the smells of the season. This Yule simmer pot is also totally edible, so can be a delicious Yule tea as well! Watch this video and join me in some cauldron magick using the kitchen witch’s cauldron, your everyday cooking pot.

How To Decorate For The Wiccan Yule Holiday

Decorating is such a fun and special part of the Yule season!

We get to conjure so much Yuletide magick into our environment, just by creating a Winter Wonderland of joy, hope, peace and light within our home! There is something particularly magickal about Yule decorations that brings about a sense of childlike wonder and awe.

Below is a list of ideas for how to bring that magick into your home and also a wonderful little craft video for something that you can add to your Yule altar or decorations! You’ll have to scroll down to find out what this fun witchy craft is!

Decorating Your Home, Hearth & Pagan Yule Tree

Decorate A Yule Tree: This is a very traditional Yule activity, bringing in the green of life and covering it with lights to symbolize the returning of the light! Also adding red, green, white, gold and silver ornaments are a great way to honor this time of year! You can even add your DIY Yule ornaments that I wrote about above!

Cover Your Home In Lights To Welcome In And Honor The Oak King: The more lights the better! Candles (electric or wax), Christmas lights of all colors, pretty strung lights or lights with candy canes, elves and reindeer on them! Go wild with the sparkly lights!

Add Pine And/Or Fir Branches/Leaves To Your Mantelpiece With Lights: (You may want electric lights for this so as to not cause a fire.) You could even weave in some holly for the pop of red or sprinkle with some silver and gold biodegradable glitter to add sparkle!

Add Magickal Elves To Your Wicca Yuletide Decor: The spirit of elves was originally called in to ward off the evil spirits of the dark season of Yule. Their innate joy and light would drive away any malicious energy. You can place elves near your front door to protect the entryway to your home, or around your mantelpiece or even place them on your altar to bring in that protection, joy and light energy to your altar!

Surround Your Space In Sparkles And The Colors Of Yule: Anything that is red, green, white, silver or gold, put it up, add it, sprinkle it, hang it! Get creative with this color scheme!

Witchy Tip Decorate your home starting from the front door inwards to invite the light into your space!

yule decorations create more magick in your wicca yule rituals

Go crazy with your Yule decorations, to create more Magick in your Wicca Yule Rituals…

How To Set Up A Magickal Wiccan Yule Altar To Celebrate The Yule Season

Let’s make this a true witch’s Christmas and set up a Yule magickal altar, shall we!?

What better way to celebrate Yule than to create a reverent space for our Yule magick! Decorating our altars to reflect the seasons is also a wonderful way to be in the rhythm and cycles of the energies that are moving through Gaia, and when we generate our magick around those rhythms and cycles, our magick only becomes stronger.

Put Down A White, Green, Silver, And Or Gold Altar Cloth: It is always wonderful to generate the energy of a season by covering our altar in the corresponding colors of the season.

Add As Many Candles (In Yule Colors) And Lights As Possible To Your Altar: call in and celebrate the return of the light by generating light magick on your altar!

Add Pine Cones To The Left Side Of Your Altar And Cranberries Or Pomegranate Seeds To The Right Side Of Your Yule Altar: pine cones represent the Divine Masculine or Horned God or Oak King, and the cranberries or pomegranate seeds represent the Divine Feminine or winter Goddesses.

Add Yule Stones Or Crystals: rubies, white/red/green/silver/gold swarovski crystals, diamonds, garnets, emeralds, green peridot, citrine, are all great stones to add to your altar for Yule.

Burn Frankincense And Myrrh: Burn this scent at your altar to cleanse and purify your magickal working space as well as relieve depression during these darker months.

Add Pictures Of Odin And His Great Wild Hunt Or Of St. Nick: Call in the energy of these great and generous spirits to help support you and your magick for the Yule season.

Add Elves And Bells To Protect Your Magickal Working Space: As mentioned above.

Do Some Yule Knot Magick And Make A Witch’s Ladder To Add To Your Altar Or Wicca Yule Decorations: Watch the below video “Yule Knot Magick: Simple Prosperity ‘Witch’s Ladder’” to learn how to make a witch’s ladder for a very witchy Christmas “decoration” that you can add to your altar or home. This is full of intentional magick and helps to focus your intent to bring in prosperity, joy and light for this season and the year to come!

Closing The Circle

Thank you so much for joining me on this Wiccan/Pagan Yuletide adventure today! I hope this journey helped shed light on what Yule is and inspired you to have a witch’s Christmas!

Wiccan Yule celebrations are a wonderful way to enjoy this time of year as a witch. It was an honor to get to explore this merry and joyful Yule Sabbat with you! I hope that your Winter Solstice is full of light, warmth, joy, connection and most importantly, love.

Blessed Be,
Rebecca Phoenix

The post Celebrating The Wiccan Yule Holiday Sabbat appeared first on Simple Mystic Miracles Magickal Spell Casting Blog.

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